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Reply To: Poor ovarian reserve and TTC

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It has been a long time since I updated my post. I had my first consultation meeting with the clinic. It has been a long time now. A lot has happened since then and I am so confused. As I mentioned that I have low amh and poor ovarian reserve the doctors had rather a sad news for me. They told me that IVF has a very low chance of working for me. The success rate of it working is equivalent to trying naturally. They also told me that if it works the chances of MC are very high. Since then I have got so confused. The doctors do say that opting for DE option would increase the chances. However, the problem never stops here. The doctors when read that I was a patient of eating disorders suggested that I don’t opt for IVF. It would be harmful to my body. My DH now doesn’t want to risk me with IVF at all. It keeps on getting more and more confusing.