Usually, I have heard people considering IUI to be the first thing to do as a fertility solution. Well, That happens actually there is no certain assured that your procedure would work for you. There could be any circumstances that could stand in the way of your success. And you got to accept that. Even there was a time when I had my IVF failed and there was no certain reason for this. Even I was not sure about any such procedure. But yes I have enough knowledge that I could make a wise decision for myself. To your answer yes surrogacy could be the good option so far. Even I am in the surrogacy queue. And I hope that we would get what we are looking for.
But yes we have to be very careful over the clinics and all. I have heard some false things on the same forum regarding Lotus and Adonis clinic. And this could happen to anyone. So no matter what procedure we go with we has to be very careful with the clinics we choose.