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Reply To: Warm Hello from Delivering Dreams Ukrainian Surrogacy

Home Forums Surrogacy Surrogacy Agencies Warm Hello from Delivering Dreams Ukrainian Surrogacy Reply To: Warm Hello from Delivering Dreams Ukrainian Surrogacy


Hi Stormi,

Well said. You are so right. Research and asking lots of questions is essential. If they are offering services at a lower price, ask why. Make sure you are not getting smoke and mirrors but really answers than make sense. As you say, this is one of the most significant decisions you will make. If an agency is not able to answer these questions before you sign with them, imagine what would happen afterwards.

If the price of an agency is significantly lower than others, it should be a serious red flag. Budget concerns are a consideration. Be sure to examine what the implications might be. Are they cutting corners? Surrogate screening? supervision and support? compensation? Are there costs that are not listed up front?

Also, I would be careful if budget is the top consideration. Our bodies are not predictable machines, and neither are surrogates’ bodies. Pregnancies are not 100% predictable ever. Agencies should also discuss potential situations/complications and their cost implications.

Basically, if you feel at all uncomfortable asking questions and researching, listen to your gut instinct.

And of course – if it is too good to be true…