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Reply To: Chances of pregnancy after 40

Home Forums Surrogacy Baby On The Way Chances of pregnancy after 40 Reply To: Chances of pregnancy after 40


Hey dear, you are right. You explained useful information in easy way. Lots of ladies who are in their 40’s are trying to conceive. But they lose hope when they fail again and again. Its just depends on internal hormones and health structure. That some ladies got pregnant in 40’s while others do not. One of my friend also got pregnant while she was of 43. In my case, although I am 33 years old. But can’t get pregnant due to heart disease. That is why I am thinking of surrogacy option. Many ladies switch towards surrogacy when they fail in TTC. And I think it is good that they chose other option as well. Good for them as well as their immediate family members too. I would just say that in any circumstances, never lose hope. Rather find alternative ways to achieve success.