The most immediate possible effect is that acupuncture served to “relax” the uterus around the time of the transfer. Several studies have shown that the uterus has contractions and that these contractions could cause expulsion of the transferred IVF embryos. If the contractions were reduced by acupuncture then that could be a mechanism for an improvement in IVF pregnancy rate. Many patients have been told that they should use acupuncture for IVF because they will respond better to medication. Many women with specific problems such as high FSH levels or miscarriages have been promised that acupuncture will cure all these problems. To date, however, there is no objective data that backs up these claims. The overwhelming anguish and sense of loss experienced by women struggling with infertility issues is an unwelcome motivator. Driving them to seek other treatment options to overcoming infertility. From home remedies, fertility drugs, and even surgery, to IVF and donor eggs and embryos. Modern healthcare has vastly expanded the array of options available for couples struggling to conceive.