You, like all women trying to get pregnant,. Have a lot to deal with. You’re taking time off from work for doctor appointments. Having blood drawn. Having pelvic exams. Ultrasounds. Injections. Taking basal temperatures. Timing intercourse, and undergoing various diagnostic procedures. As if the cost and discomfort of solving the problems with fertility aren’t enough. You also have to deal with being on an emotional roller coaster. A husband who may not participate in your medical treatments as much as you’d like. Friends and family who make insensitive comments. And social situations that are almost unbearably painful like a baby shower. I know what you’re going through. Just like you, sought fertility treatments because I could not get pregnant on my own. I felt as if my body had betrayed me each month I didn’t get pregnant. I gained weight while on fertility drugs.I just didn’t have the energy to exercise because I was feeling so sad and emotionally depleted. I didn’t feel sexy, and I put off buying clothes in hopes that I would be buying maternity clothes soon. The main focus of my life was trying to become pregnant.