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Many women feel grief over the children that they will never have. The may even feel rage, envy, anger, or depression. Worrying about whether using a donor egg will make the child feel less like your own is also common. If you are suffering from infertility. You’re not alone and you do have options available. But dealing with your emotions first is vital. And this means being open with your partner at all times. You may find professional help and counsel useful. Or techniques like mindfulness, meditation, and yoga to process and deal with your feelings. And prepare your mind and body for the next step. There have been enormous advances in the field of modern fertility. Which mean that you can now safely and comfortably use a donor egg for procreation. You don’t always have control over the way things happen in life or the hand you’re dealt. But thanks to the modern age that we live in, you and your partner don’t have to give up on your dream of starting a family.