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Home Forums Surrogacy Getting Started Tell us about your IVF Reply To: Tell us about your IVF


hi dear you came to right place to know about it. me and my husband We decided to go to Ukraine to have our surrogacy journey. I’m not able to judge now if Ukraine is a good country for surrogacy or not. My path has only started. We chose biotexcom and now we are waiting for some good news from our manager. I can only say that the clinic we chose is very popular among infertile couples from all over the world. We saw people of different nations there. Some of them came for de ivf, some for surrogacy programs. We saw many couples, who came for ultrasounds and deliveries. I think it’s a good sign. Though it was very exhausting staying in lines. We were waiting for hours till it was our turn to meet with our doctor. But I hope this was the only inconvenience we faced. Even though I’m nervous, but still I have some confidence in this place. Not for nothing people go there.