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Anika louis

Babies are a great blessing. I feel really happy for you that you are deciding to have Surrogacy. Indeed surrogacy is the best way of having babies. When a woman is not able to get pregnant and when she is facing infertility. She chooses other processes like surrogacy. Yes, it is a blessing. I faced difficulty in conceiving a baby and so I made my mind for surrogacy. I have seen many couples who are happy to have babies through surrogacy. I was diagnosed with Uterine polyps disease and then I faced 5 years of infertility. I was once really despondent that I stopped trying on babies. But when I read such motivating thing that people wrote on the forums so I made my mind and decided to go for surrogacy. I am a happy mother now. I have a baby. I am so happy to have her. Hope this would help a lot of others too. Surrogacy is really a blessing for me.