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Reply To: Tell us about your IVF

Home Forums Surrogacy Getting Started Tell us about your IVF Reply To: Tell us about your IVF


Hello! Hope you are doing great. It is good to share my IVF and surrogacy journey. I am an infertile lady. I cannot conceive naturally. $ years ago, we went for IVF. We were very hopeful about this. But my IVF failed for two times. I really dishearten me. But instead of losing hope I was determined to defeat my infertility. So surrogacy was the last option for me. So we went for it. Now I am happy to announce that I was blessed with a baby boy. I proved like a blessing. So I would like to say that success rate of the surrogacy is more than IVF. It is just like a miracle for the intended parents. God bless you.