At the age of 43 years old i’m married for second time.
I was married earlier and geting pregnant was not an easy task for me.
I had a number of complications while getting pregnant.
I conceived for three times but always resulted in miscarriage.
Surrogaccy is the best solution for the women who don’t have any luck with babies.
My husband wants a baby from me and i told him everything regarding my pregnancy complications.
So i started looking for some method to have a baby for us.
There is the best clinic regarding surrogacy.
They cleared my confusions reagarding surrogacy.
They satisfied me and they told us they will find a surrogate for my baby.
They have a number of surrogates from their clinic as well.
A surrogate will go through proper testing to become a surrogate mother of my child.
From different forum i came to know that surrogacy is the best solution for us to have a baby.
So i contacted a number of clinics regarding pregnancy.
If someone here is raising a child via surrogacy process please share your experience with us.
Thanks in advance.