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Reply To: Our 2-month old baby is refusing to take a bottle, and my DP feels very left out

Home Forums LGBTQ 2 Mommies Our 2-month old baby is refusing to take a bottle, and my DP feels very left out Reply To: Our 2-month old baby is refusing to take a bottle, and my DP feels very left out

Asia Coleman

My baby who is 8 months now has never been great with the bottle. We introduced it to her at around 4/5 weeks and she refused for two whole weeks. We tried every bottle we could find at our local store and found that she was at least put the Nuk in her mouth for a second before realizing she what was going on and refused it. SO we decided to stick with the Nuk bottle. I also went down to working part time so I am away from the baby for 4 hours 5 days a week so she “needed” to take the bottle. After two weeks she finally took some BM and she slowly got better. Not amazing, but better. After a little less then a month of her “taking” the bottle we had a two week break of me not working. When I went back to working it was like she forgot how to take the bottle and refused once again for a week. Then one day she decided to take it again. She has been taking it now for the past 4 months but she isn’t very good at it and it isn’t her favorite thing.

I’m sure it makes it hard on you knowing that the baby isn’t eating as I felt the same way. I do know that if the baby is truly hungry enough it will eat. Some babies NEVER take a bottle and I was prepared for that. I actually had no idea about this until I would mention it to other moms and they would tell me how their babies never took a bottle. I nursed her before I left her and right when I picked her up. I understand that your partner is feeling left out – try to reassure her that there are tons of babies who don’t take bottles and it has nothing to do with her. You guys should be so proud of how successful BFing has gone that baby doesn’t want the bottle. Keep trying to give her the bottle every day but try not to get her so upset that there is no return. If she doesn’t take it then no big deal- maybe tomorrow. Maybe try different ways in giving it to her: walking around, her facing outward, in a bouncy chair, etc. Also when mine wouldn’t take the bottle the stroller helped calm her and going outside in a backpack helped too. Good luck with everything and try to focus on the bright beautiful side of this- that you have such a smart baby that she just wants the BM from the source 🙂

Also- I hated it when people would tell me “this to shall pass” but its true. In the moment I hate it and feel like it won’t but it actually does. It did with the bottle and with baby not sleeping at night. So just remember “this to shall pass”