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Home Forums Surrogacy Getting Started A dark end Reply To: A dark end


Hello dear! I hope you are doing fine. Feeling sad to hear your story. It is really a heart-rending story. You have gone through a very tough time. You have to be firm in this situation. Indeed this is the most difficult phase of your life. Do not lose hope. Face the situation bravely. I also felt bad about what that clinic named Adonis did to you. It is really an injustice to you. I have sympathy for you. This is really a sick clinic. We are on the same boat. I also faced a horrible experience with this clinic. I became infertile one year ago due to an accident. I decided to go for surrogacy in order to have my baby. I came to know about this clinic. I tried to contact them. They did not give me any response. I assumed all my hope with this clinic But they disappointed me. It was like that they do not want to help. I was a horrible experience situation of my life. We should stay away from this clinic. I wish you all the best dear.