Hello Alina, how are you? Expectation you are getting a charge out of good well being. Numerous individuals are discussing A***s facility. I think they are really has no demonstrable skill. I likewise had awful involvement with them. I am a barren. A companion of min suggested us A***s facility for fruitlessness treatment. We are from France. we an’t visit them face to face. So we reached them by means of email and got some information about the points of interest. We likewise said it is the matter of earnestness. In any case, they didn’t try to answer. We additionally endeavored to get in touch with them by means of telephone however they didn’t get our telephone. We figured they may be occupied. Be that as it may, it has been over multi month and still no reaction from them. In the wake of perusing your experience I am happy we didn’t visit them face to face. These sort of centers ought to be uncovered. I trust there will be no more casualties of them. Remain safe