Your instinct might be to keep your treatment a secret, but it can make your life easier to enlist a friend or relative to help with child care. Also, choose a doctor’s office you’re comfortable with. You’ll be spending a lot of time there; a compassionate staff can make treatment easier. No matter how many times you’ve been asked, “When will you have another baby?” the query still stings. Try coming up with a quick comeback—like ‘We actually love having an only child’—and commit it to memory. Another heartbreaker: your child’s pleas for a sibling. Try, “You’re so wonderful we don’t need anyone besides you.” Or maybe admit, “We’d like nothing more than to make you a big brother. We hope it’ll happen.” One of the biggest challenges is balancing enjoying the child you have with wondering if you’ll ever get the larger family you want. Worrying about what’s happening next robs you of the pleasure of the moment. It’s not easy, but counseling and talking yourself through the rough moments can help you. Say, I’m doing the best I can, and meanwhile I’m living my life.