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The gap you leave between babies depends on when you and your partner feel ready to have another child. It also depends on when you’re able to conceive. Babies don’t always come to order! If you’re in your late 30s, your fertility may influence how soon you start to try again. Women’s fertility does start to decline from the age of 35 onwards. Even so, it’s better for your health to recover from one pregnancy and birth before embarking on the next. Experts recommend at least six months, but preferably a year. Research has shown that it may be better for your baby, too. Compared with a longer gap, babies conceived within six months of a previous pregnancy are at a higher risk of: prematurity. Low birth weight and measuring small. A gap of at least 18 months will give you time to recover your energy and replenish the nutrients you lost during your previous pregnancy. You’ll also have time to mentally and physically prepare yourself for getting pregnant again and having a new addition to the family.