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Talk to your husband as well as your boys and explain the situation to them. If you all agree to the plan, see a phsycologist,with your sis and husband. The thing is, although it is a great idea to have someone you trust. In your case a family member, do it. It is also very selfish! I loved my baby from the day I found out I was pregnant and I got very attached to her. You should decide if you are up for carryong a baby you will be seperated from later. If it were me I would definitely do it. If you and your sister have a really good relationship and you think her and her husband will be good parents then go for it. I was gonna do it for my uncle and aunt when they were having such problems getting pregnant but finally she ended up pregnant herself. I think it would be an honor to give that kind of a gift to your sister. There’s nothing greater than giving the gift of life. Would you give her a kidney if she needed one? I would and wouldn’t think twice about it. If you feel this is what you want to do then go for it I think it’s awesome.