It is important to recognize that in this day and age. With readily available computer surveillance, social media and so forth. Strict anonymity can never be guaranteed. Although every effort is taken to keep the parties separate. In reality, this cannot be fully guaranteed. That being said however, each of these options do have some advantages and disadvantages. With the exception of same sex male couples. Undergoing treatment with donor eggs is never the first choice of any patient. Intended parents often have emotional/psychological difficulties coming to terms with using genetic material from another person. In these circumstances, using a known egg donor for example a sister. Could be highly desirable to “bridge the gap” so to speak. On the other hand, a relationship with a known egg donor may change substantially, after the birth of a child. This is especially true of the egg donor encounters fertility problems of her own in the future. Consequently, she may experience regrets about having donated and this may impact the relationship.