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A tough journey you had. This would have taken much courage to overcome what all you have been gone through. That’s really sad to hear about your journey. This is not easy to have so many troubles and then having a fresh start again. Many women have to take much time to overcome their thoughts and loss they had been through. And i guess that’s fine. You must be mentally and physically ready to have a fresh start. Just like your story. MC and then marriage loss. Two of the worst thing that a woman could observe. Hope you get the courage to forget all these bad memories. That was a nightmare. The worst nightmare. That I wish no one had to observe. And would pray for you. That you get all the courage to get through all this soon. You did a great thing by starting up with a new man. Hope he cares for you as you deserve. And find all the positivity in surrogacy. That’s really nice of him to agree on surrogacy procedure. You have to be positive. Have a good life.XX