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elizabeth maya

Hi everyone hope you all doing good.I want to discuss my life experience with all of you. As i am adopted child and i was never treated good by my family.They always treated me so badly, beacuse of their behaviour i started taking pills which made me infertile.That was the most sadfull thing of my life.I tried almost 5 staright years but nothing worked for me. One day on internet i saw a ADONIC CLINIC related to my problem BUT whenever i called them i got no response , so bad experience. Thanks God one day my sister told me about sorrogacy. I live in ireland and search so many places in Europe because i cant go out of Europe because SCHENGEN visa is free all over the Europe. I discussed my story with my sister and she told me about Surrogacy, i was so happy after she told me so i visit the surrogacy clinic in Ukraine. In that clinic i had a baby through a Surrogacy. So guys nothing is impossible guys please never lose hope. everything is possible in life.