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Hello Olivia.
Having children is such a tiring and long journey. I am sorry for your loss. But it is amazing that you have not loss hope through this. Being strong is the key to overcome your grief and loss.
I have heard so much about surrogacy myself. I think it is the solution to any and all sort of infertility, specifically for women who cannot carry their children to term. Other issues can be resolved through IUI and IVF. However, when it comes to being unable to carry your child I think this is the best option. I am happy for you. And I hope you find the best surrogate, whether through a clinic or independent.
There are so many clinics all over the place these days. I have read a lot about surrogacy clinics in Ukraine. Maybe you can check clinics there. I know of one where a friend went. She was very happy with her experience. Maybe you can find your happy ending there too.