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I have a experience of surrogacy from Ukraine. Ukraine is very popular for its clinics regarding infertility. I have been there in Ukraine myself. there are a number of clinics in Ukraine for infertility solutions.
I was infertile due to hysterectomy cancer. I was cancer free after sometime but it resulted in my total infertility. My husband decided that we will go for surrogacy to have a child. here in Japan surrogacy is prohibited. So we moved to Ukraine for surrogacy. There we found a very good clinic which is best for its surrogacy. We started our surrogacy journey at that clinic. Clinic founded a good surrogate for us. Then we went through the whole process and everything was just perfect. Now our surrogate is pregnant with our twin daughters. We are so happy that we will finally have our baby with us.
We will be flying to Ukraine once the clinic let us know the delivery date of our surrogate.
This is the story of our surrogacy journey.
Good luck to you friend.