I have been TTC from last 10 years. There is no specific reason behind my infertility, Doctors can’t tell any reason behind my infertility, I am tired of TTC now as i already know there isn’t miracle going to happen. My husband friend has decided that we should go for surrogacy. we live in Bulgaria here surrogacy is not allowed. So we have decided to go to another state for this. My husband says Ukraine is very popular in regard of surrogacy. Hopefully we should be moving to Ukraine for our surrogacy.Surrogacy is a really a gift. I hear from many infertile couples there stories of successful surrogacy journey. I feel happy when people met their dream they are unable to have by themselves. Surrogacy will also make my dream true of having a baby. The clinic with which we are in contact is arranging an event in London. I am going to attend that event. People looking for surrogacy from this clinic should surely attend this event.
If anyone knows a good clinic from Ukraine about surrogacy than let us know.