hey, that’s a very bad news. you have given. it’s very hard to know, that you are feeling infertility. and this would be very hard for you to accept the reality. that you have been diagnosed with infertility before your marriage. well, that’s a good thing that you haven’t sit with empty handed. you know, your words show that you have the spirit to fight this curse. I’m really inspired by you. and I know you will get success after a great struggle. I’m glad that you know the reality of adonis clinic. it’s not only adonis clinic.there is another clinic, called Lotus.both the clinics are very bad. people say that they are scammers. they only loot people. I think sometimes that isn’t they are human’s. why they do this? did money is important than a human life. there are many cases, in which the patient died there. whereas you have done a great job. by spreading awareness against them. these criminals of humanity should be behind the bars.