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Home Forums Surrogacy Getting Started A dark end Reply To: A dark end

emma james

when we start a life we think that everything will be fine. the time has many thing for us in his folding layers. after my miscarriage, i was depressed and start drinking to just forget what time has given to me. i always wanted a big a big family. my husband always support my this dream. after my miscarriage, i did not lose hope and face every difficulties with courage. i decided to try all the possible solutions. i contacted every doctor and tried every kind of treatment to get my dream. i also gave a try to surrogacy. i contacted a clinic in ukraine called L***s. they claimed best services in surrogacy but i found them totally failed. after mailing them 5 times they replied with just their ads, not the answer of my questions. their communication channel sucks. when i visited them in ukraine they staff was terrible. they had very bad environment. they do not care about their patients but about their wallets. due to their behaviour i lost my last hope … surrogacy