I hope you both are doing great. Sorry to hear about your friend’s infertility. She has gone through a very tough time. Infertility is a devastating disease. I believe that no woman deserves to face infertility. Unfortunately, some woman has to face it. Well, dear ups and downs are the part of life. Your friend needs you this time. You should support her. It is good that your friend is taking treatment. In my opinion, surrogacy is the perfect treatment for infertility. It has more success rate than IVF. It always gets success. It is also useful even a woman is aged or physically weak. It is also less expensive than IVF. I also have my baby through surrogacy. I know about a good clinic for surrogacy. It is located in Europe. I am sure surrogacy will prove helpful to your sister. I wish all the luck to your friend. May God bless her with a cute and healthy baby. Goodbye and take care. “