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Home Forums Surrogacy Getting Started Need Suggestions Reply To: Need Suggestions


Hi Betty, Oh, I’m so sorry hearing about your infertility. I know this is really hard for any of us. Unable to give birth is a quiet depressive situation. I’m glad that you are struggling with your treatment. You have made a right decision of surrogacy. In this procedure, the egg is removed from the intended mother and is fertilized with the sperm of the intended father outside the body. The fertilized egg or embryo is then transferred to the surrogate mother who carries the baby to term. After 9 months, he gives birth to a baby and handover to the intended parents. It has been proved successful so far. I have heard man success stories of surrogacy in different forums. I know the best clinic in Europe that offers this procedure. You should consult them. They also provide different packages and is affordable. Don’t worry I’m sure you will also be successful in this process. Have faith in yourself. Wish you the best of luck.