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Home Forums Adoption Contracts, Insurance & Legal GAY COUPLE ADOPTION Reply To: GAY COUPLE ADOPTION


This is an interesting topic of discussion. there have been misunderstanding because of sexuality. I once worked for an adoption center. Then there was this gay couple that wanted to adopt. They were allowed. So they finished all the process and given the child. But however, the news were not what we were expecting. There was somethings they used to do to the kid. This news came back to us. So we had to take back the kid. It is due to this reason that till to date that adoption does not allow gay couple to adopt. I am not saying that all gay couples are the same. People vary. And we have different outlook of life. And not all gay couples are bad. However I feel this is the reason to why. I am not gay neither am I against them. But I am talking from a situation that I experienced. But they can still search. There might be some adoption centers out there that can still allow them. That it seems to me they have such a humanitarian heart. Let there dreams come true at last.