
  • Tifanny replied to the topic Transfer in the forum Transfer 6 years ago

    When it comes to choosing a fertility clinic to carry out a surrogacy process, one should check if they have their own laboratory, and the fertility treatments they use. Oftentimes, intended parents see almost no difference between clinics, but the truth is that each one follows different protocols and uses a varied range of techniques. A medical…[Read more]

  • Tifanny replied to the topic Need Some Guidance! in the forum Getting Started 6 years ago

    You should be confident of the Doctor’s experience, and how long he has been performing the procedures that will affect your case there. You should also be given full attention while at the clinic and not feel like just a number. You will need to be comfortable, relaxed and confident in the clinic and their ability to help you achieve a p…[Read more]

  • Tifanny replied to the topic Bad Experience in the forum Adoption Agencies 6 years ago

    Many fertility clinics also serve as surrogacy clinics. These medical professionals help intended parents diagnose their fertility problems and offer fertility treatments, like in vitro fertilization. When intended parents choose to move on from those failed treatments, fertility clinics can usually help them complete a surrogacy process as well.…[Read more]

  • Tifanny replied to the topic Surrogacy Clinics in the forum Getting Started 6 years ago

    In many surrogacy journeys, the process of finding a surrogacy clinic is completed before a match is even made. Many intended parents already have an existing relationship with a fertility clinic who will serve as their surrogacy clinic on this new path to parenthood. However, if you haven’t yet found a surrogacy clinic to work with, you have a g…[Read more]

  • Parental rights aren’t guaranteed after a surrogate pregnancy. The law continues to change as reproductive technology and the very definition of a “parent” changes. There isn’t a federal law on surrogacy and state laws vary. After a surrogate pregnancy in some states, you may still have to pass adoption proceedings to gain legal custody of the…[Read more]

  • Tifanny replied to the topic Experience With Surrogacy in the forum Getting Started 6 years ago

    While surrogacy has become a new hallmark in building families, one important question remains among people interested. Due diligence, homework and research is an important job not to be overlooked. And while budget concerns may exist, it’s important not to let a more reasonably priced agency be the driving force. One must take into c…[Read more]

  • Tifanny replied to the topic This clinic sucks in the forum Getting Started 6 years ago

    While surrogacy may not have been the original pathway one decided to take in building their family, it is indeed a road chosen to start planting a family tree. When one is unable to carry a baby, there are other opportunities to help make parenthood dreams become a reality. Infertility is acute. The possibility of an individual personally…[Read more]

  • Tifanny replied to the topic 40+ and Pregnant in the forum Baby On The Way 6 years ago

    Health is very important. There is no way to overplay the importance of good health with a pregnant mom in her 40s. The female body needs a certain amount of calories and nutrients and then baby comes along and demands even more. Mom needs to take her prenatal vitamin and eat healthy foods every day. The additional calories consumed should be in…[Read more]

  • We all know how tough it is to lose weight with PCOS. The good news, though, is that it’s not impossible! If you are ready to make some changes and lose some of the extra weight, why not try these things: Increase your protein intake. Take. Inositol. Restrict your calories. Get support. Adding more bouts of movement into your day will safeguard y…[Read more]

  • Tifanny started the topic Pregnancy Waiting Period in the forum Newborn 6 years ago

    When to have another child is a personal choice and sometimes it’s not entirely within your control. What’s more, women starting their families well into their thirties may not have the luxury of waiting too long to get pregnant again since their chances of success diminish with age. Even so, health-wise it’s better to recover from one pregnancy…[Read more]

  • Tifanny replied to the topic Living with PCOS in the forum Getting Started 6 years ago

    Women who lose weight with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) do three very important things: Exercise. Eat a nutrient-dense diet. Reduce their stress. You might be thinking to yourself: “Sounds great, but how do I do all that without hiring a nutritionist, a yoga teacher and a personal assistant?” Making any kind of diet and lifestyle changes is…[Read more]

  • Tifanny replied to the topic When to Start Trying Again in the forum Multiples 6 years ago

    As a general rule, you should probably hold off on trying to conceive again for 18 to 23 months – about the same waiting period recommended for women who deliver vaginally. That may seem like a long time, but you’ve just had major surgery in addition to giving birth and you need to let your body recover and replenish lost nutrients. For i…[Read more]

  • Here are some ideas for introducing surrogacy to your children and involving them in the surrogacy process: Start by reading children’s books about surrogacy and other family-building methods. These books help normalize surrogacy and gently introduce the idea. Mention that you might want to help another family have a baby someday, and ask your c…[Read more]

  • Gestational carriers have many different reasons for surrogacy, and each may find different rewards in the experience. Here are just a few surrogacy advantages for these incredible women and their families: Surrogacy is a rewarding gift. Most women who choose surrogacy do so to give back to another family. It takes a special, compassionate person…[Read more]

  • As a parent, you’re well aware of how detail-oriented children will be. Children whose family looks a bit different from others may start to question how they came to be. As they start to get older, children become well aware that two dads or a single mom don’t fit the standard equation. If your child was conceived via gay surrogacy or another for…[Read more]

  • Tifanny replied to the topic TTC and Surrogacy in the forum International Surrogacy 6 years ago

    For hopeful parents, the benefits of surrogacy seem obvious: it is a way to make their dreams of parenthood come true. However, the hundreds of families who have completed the surrogacy process will assure you that the pros of surrogacy extend far beyond that. Here are just a few of the advantages of surrogacy for intended parents: For those who…[Read more]

  • The hospital stay is obviously a very exciting time for everyone, as everyone’s hard work and dedication will soon result in a beautiful newborn! The events of the hospital stay and the surrogacy birth will likely have been determined by now. We will have already prepared the hospital for the surrogacy, whether you will witness the birth in the d…[Read more]

  • Infertile couples worldwide are flocking to Asia, often due to the affordable cost of surrogacy there. In Asia surrogacy procedures can be up to five times less expensive than in the US. The process is also easier, as local laws protects the rights of both the surrogate and the intended parents. Compared side-by-side, the proportion of costs…[Read more]

  • In gestational surrogacy, a surrogate is not related to the child that she carries. Instead, a previously created embryo will be transferred into her uterus. If an egg or sperm donor is required, the fertility clinic will handle much of this surrogacy process while we oversee it. If the intended mother’s eggs will be used to produce an embryo, s…[Read more]

  • The cost of surrogacy internationally has been rising. Low-cost surrogacy destinations typically attract large numbers of eager parents, and when that happens there is a sudden “boom” in IVF and surrogacy births. Of course with growth also comes the growth of malfeasance and profiteering. “Low cost” often comes hand-in-hand with corrupt…[Read more]

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