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    Dear, I feel really very sorry for you. I don’t understand why such clinics exist. They are playing with peoples emotions. Most of them are scammers. They are open for the sake of money. Money is everything for them. Such a cruel attitude towards innocent people. It really doesn’t mean only bad clinics exist. There are some good clinics. People are getting their treatment from them. They are dealing it in a beautiful way. I wish you a very good luck in future. Difficulties in your journey make your destination beautiful. My best wishes are with you. Baby dust to you

    Julia Christine

    Dear Alina! How are you doing? You really spent a tough time. Such clinics are worse in this field. They are here just for the sake of money. They should be banned. By the way, there is a clinic in Europe. I had my successful surrogacy from there. I think you should consult them. They are providing quality treatment to their customers at much low cost as compared with any other fertility center. Their success rates are high as well. You should visit them. I hope you will be satisfied with them.
    Wish you the best of luck


    Many fertility clinics also serve as surrogacy clinics. These medical professionals help intended parents diagnose their fertility problems and offer fertility treatments, like in vitro fertilization. When intended parents choose to move on from those failed treatments, fertility clinics can usually help them complete a surrogacy process as well. Working with the perfect surrogacy clinic is an important part of feeling secure in your surrogacy journey, and the medical process will be the part of the process where you finally feel like that journey is actually beginning. If you ever have questions about choosing a surrogacy clinic that’s best for you, make sure you do diligent research and don’t be afraid to ask your surrogacy agency or surrogacy attorney for recommendations to get started. It’s encouraged that you speak with your surrogacy clinic when you first start considering surrogacy to learn more about what your personal journey may look like.


    Hi dear, how are you? I am really sorry about your problems. I have also read many bad reviews about Adonis clinic in Europe. They are scammers. They played against many people emotions. I am really worried that it was really hard for you. Don’t worry. There is a good clinic in Eastern Europe. They are best in dealing with surrogacy. You should go there. Don’t hesitate. Once you opt it you won’t regret your decision. Difficulties in your journey make your destination beautiful. I wish you a good luck. My best wishes are with you


    Feeling sorry to hear your depressing story. Infertility is a curse for a woman. It kills her from inside. IT is the most devastating feeling for a woman. No woman wants to face this situation in his life. Unfortunately, some woman has to face this. Some naturally and some due to an accident or any other reason. I am also one of them. I got married two years ago. I have faced infertility due to miscarriages. I have also faced a horrible experience at clinic lotus. I searched for the good clinic on the internet. I got to know about lotus. I tried to reach them but they did not a response to me. I sent them much email but they did not reply to even a single one. It made me more depressed. I would suggest all of you not to go to his clinic. This is a sick clinic that I have ever seen. I would suggest moving to any other clinics. You would surely have your baby. I wish you all the luck.


    Hey. How are you? Hope you are doing okay. So many of us go through bad experiences. But it isn’t the end of the world. We will get through it. We all do. We all survive. If you need any professional help, look out for clinics in Europe. They work in this regard. And some of them are really good. My personal experience with one of them has been amazing. I am sure they are not going to disappoint you. I hope you get what you want. Good luck. Cheers.


    Surrogacy is one of life’s most exciting journeys for both IPs and Surrogates alike. The joy felt during this thrilling time period is monumental, something you will no doubt want to share with those closest to you. Unfortunately, as many Surrogates and IPs have found, not everyone will be able or willing to share in your enthusiasm. Many people do not understand surrogacy, and we know it can be difficult to handle negative opinions from others, especially with a topic so close to heart. Many Surrogates and IPs do receive full support from their friends and family, which is wonderful. However, it is always best to be prepared for if and when questions begin to rise. Keep in mind you chose surrogacy because it was the right choice for you. Not everyone will agree, but handle all opinions – both positive and negative – with grace, and continue to look forward to the birth of the baby. The road may be bumpy, but the miracle in the end will make it all worthwhile.


    Hi there! I hope you are fine. Feeling bad top hear your story. Infertility is a disease that is increasing day by day. It is the most crucial phase of one’s life. It kills a woman when she hears about her infertility. You have gone through a very tough time. I have sympathy for you. Such a bad clinic the Adonis is. You are right. All the things that you mentioned above are absolutely true. Let me tell you my story. I got married two years ago. I became pregnant three times. Unfortunately, all the time my pregnancy ended at miscarriage. I became infertile. I was really depressed. I decided to go for surrogacy. I came to know about the clinic adonis. I tried to contact them but I did not get any response. I emailed them many times. They did not reply to me even a single. It made me more disappointed. It is really a sick clinic. Please keep away from this sort of clinics. I wish you all the luck.


    Hey Alina. How are you doing? Hope so you are doing fine. The clinic like Lotus should be banned. Well, I am really feeling very sorry for you that you go through such a bad experience in a clinic. This should not happen to you. I totally condemn this type of behaviour from clinical staff. Also, I think you should not lose hope. Things will definitely work for you. Just stay hopeful and keep looking for a good clinic. My cousin also had a baby in Eastern Europe. And the clinical staff there was so cooperative to her. And according to her, she had the best experience there.

    Sara Alston

    Hi Emma. How are you? Hope so you are doing fine. I have been reading this kind of thread for many days. And I feel that it is all happening because of os misunderstanding. People are not choosing the right clinic for their treatment. I think people should choose their clinic carefully. All the people who are now thinking of having an infertility treatment should go after the proper research. This is the only way to be safe.


    Dear, I felt really bad for you. You had very worst experience with such clinic. I don’t understand what their problems are. Why they are playing with peoples emotions. They just focus on collecting money from others. I know that was very difficult for you. I am shocked that they don’t know about medicine. They should close their clinic. It really doesn’t mean there are not any good clinic. There is a good clinic in Europe. They are best in dealing with surrogacy. They are doing a great job. I wish everyone get their treatment done from them. Wish you a great future ahead. Thanks for sharing your experience with us

    Julia Christine

    Dear Aline! Hope so you will be fine. I just read your post. I think you should not go there. Before visiting the clinic, always try to get some suggestion from such forums. I never heard any great reviews and experiences about Adonis. They are fake. They are so unskilled, even they don’t have the etiquette to deal with a patient. So try everyone here should try to find the best clinic for themselves. There are a lot of clinics in Europe. I think people should consult them. I hope you will be satisfied with them.


    Hi, My deepest sympathies go out to you. Infertility is the worst disease in human’s life. Many women are very depressed due to infertility. I’m also a heart patient. I could not become a mother. I want my baby in any condition. Then we decided to went to Europe for surrogacy. Now I have my own baby. I think you have to go with surrogacy. If you really want a child.surrogacy is really blessing for an infertile patient. I think you should leave this clinic and move to another good fertility clinic. Stay in touch with your doctor things will be alright. Don’t lose hope. Hardship is the part of life.


    Probably the most upsetting and frustrating statement you can make to someone that is trying a long time for a baby…you are still young!! If she was 10 years older people will say why did you leave it so late. I feel your pain. I was diagnosed with “unexplained infertility” also and spent 5 years trying to conceive both naturally and with the use of fertility treatments. I also tried all sorts of herbs and alternative methods. Finally, after 5 years and by using IVF, I conceived my twins.but choosing the right clinic matters a lot .choosing the wrong clinic. They have scammed so many individuals. I must say that you’d consult your doctor. I’m sure you’ll get your desire soon!. Wishing all the best to all the aspirants!


    Hey, I am rose from Australia. Dear, the complaint against adonis clinic is now a common matter because no one had officially cased on them in the court of law. They think that no one can catch our criminal acts against patients due to the high standard, but swear by God the adonis clinic is the cheapest clinic that I have ever seen. The clinic like Adonis is the reason that infertile couples are afraid of surrogacy and IVF treatment. They have drawn a negative image in their mind that every clinic dealing with surrogacy is fraud. With the help of this forum, I recommend all of you ladies to go to the clinic in Europe. My childhood friend had positively experienced with them, they have the best packages, they took care of their patients and provide them the best service, Try not to lose hope and remain solid. And be aware of the clinic like Adonis. I hope you will succeed in your surrogacy, Best of luck dear.

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