mily replied to the topic Intro in the forum Budgeting & Financial 6 years, 5 months ago
I’m so sorry about your problem. You are such a strong lady. To conceive at the age of 43 is amazing. I’m very happy for you. You are such a good inspiration for us. Take care of yourself. Lots of love.
mily replied to the topic My Journey! in the forum Getting Started 6 years, 5 months ago
That is just horrible. Sorry to hear about your accident and your miscarriage. I know nothing can make up for it. But you have to be strong. Sometimes life plays with us in the worst ways. I can understand your situation. You want your baby in any condition. You should choose a fertility clinic first. Then Doctor will suggest to you that which…[Read more]
mily replied to the topic Benefits of Surrogacy For Surrogates in the forum Independent Surrogacy 6 years, 5 months ago
Its such an amazing post. Honestly, I don’t know about this before. Thanks for sharing this information with us. No doubt,Surrogacy is the best treatment of infertility. Its a blessing of medical science. Good to read this post. Keep it up.
mily replied to the topic Experience With Surrogacy in the forum Getting Started 6 years, 5 months ago
Hey, Akira I hope you’re doing well. Congratulations to you! I hope everything goes well for you. I feel so happy for couples who have struggled for so long and are finally able to find peace. It will be amazing to hear your entire surrogacy journey. As I myself have been researching a lot about it.I’m suffering from Heart disease. Its like blo…[Read more]
mily replied to the topic Surrogacy & MC & TTC in the forum Independent Surrogacy 6 years, 5 months ago
Please accept my deepest condolences. MCs is the difficult situation. Its the main reason behind infertility. You took the right decision. Surrogacy is the best alternative way to become a parent. I hope you will have a safe journey.
mily replied to the topic I wish i had a biological child in the forum Egg Donation 6 years, 5 months ago
Hi dear! I was worried after reading your post. I can understand your situation. Every woman wants to become a mother. But due to infertility, It’s not possible. Infertility breaks all dreams of the couple towards their child. IVF and surrogacy are the best treatments for infertility. Majority of people prefer IVF. But it has less rate of success.…[Read more]
mily replied to the topic Infertility in the forum Contracts, Insurance & Legal 6 years, 5 months ago
Tissues disorder is the main cause of infertility. Infertility is the worst disease in every human life. To meet with the scammer is such a bad experience. I think surrogacy is the best solution to your problem. I suggest you leave this clinic and move to another. I hope you will found a good clinic for your treatment.
mily replied to the topic Transfer in the forum Transfer 6 years, 5 months ago
Hi! Alina. Hope you are fine. You had faced a lot in your life. You are such a strong lady. Infertility becomes very common day by day. Majority of the couples are the victim of this disease. I know some fertility clinics are scammers. People should avoid them. You should have to select a better clinic for your treatment. IVF and surrogacy are…[Read more]
mily replied to the topic don't lose hope in the forum Getting Started 6 years, 5 months ago
Thanks for sharing experienced with us. You are doing very well. Such you are a brave lady. You fight the infertility disease. Now a day surrogacy is a great option. IVF and surrogacy is the wonderful treatment. The clinic in Europe is best. They gave a proper treatment. Hope will be soon a mother. Good to see you here. Best of luck.
mily replied to the topic Need suggestions! in the forum Getting Started 6 years, 5 months ago
Dear Manasi! This is good news for the patients. The team is coming to the event soon. They changed the venue and date. Hope you waiting for this event. They are very good management for patients. They encourage the patients. They gave proper treatment and guide them. The staff dealing with patients very good. The clinic team doing a wonderful…[Read more]
mily replied to the topic Surrogacy Experience in the forum Independent Surrogacy 6 years, 5 months ago
Hello there! Hope you are fine. Surrogacy is the great option to conceive the baby. Surrogacy is the great blessing for many couples. They encourage the patients. Many couples opted for this option. Surrogacy is a natural treatment. The team doing a great job. The client satisfied the treatment. They have high rates of services. Good luck.
mily replied to the topic Surrogacy Experience in the forum Independent Surrogacy 6 years, 5 months ago
Hi there! Infertility is the worst disease in human’s life. Surrogacy and IVF is the best treatment for infertility. Many women are very depressed due to infertility. I’m also a heart patient. It’s not possible for me to become a mother. Then I moved to Europe for surrogacy. Now I have a baby through surrogacy. I think you should leave this…[Read more]
mily replied to the topic don't lose hope in the forum Getting Started 6 years, 6 months ago
It’s such a motivational post. PCOS is hard to cope up. Majority of ladies are the victim of this from a younger age. You are a strong lady. I’m so inspired by you. Congratulation for your baby. Having a baby is a great blessing.
mily replied to the topic 40+ and Pregnant in the forum Baby On The Way 6 years, 6 months ago
Trisha so happy that you conceived at this age naturally. As women pass 40 years of age and consider getting pregnant Its so amazing.The pregnancy success stories from other women as a first step in exploring their chances of conceiving. While the stories of others are certainly motivational. There will be many complications at this age. I read a…[Read more]
mily replied to the topic Bad Experience in the forum Getting Started 6 years, 6 months ago
I feel so sorry for your trouble. I know every woman wants her own child. But due to infertility, It’s not possible. But now there are some alternative ways to enjoy parenthood. IVF and surrogacy are one of them. There is some good clinic in Europe that are doing a great job in this regards. Hope you will find a good clinic for you.
mily replied to the topic Afraid To Go For Surrogacy in the forum Transfer 6 years, 6 months ago
All my sympathies to go with. You are such a strong lady. You had face a lot in your like. But you fight with your problem in a good manner. I really appreciate you. I know cervical cancer is the worst. Due to this disease, you are unable to become a mother. I think you should have to consult with a good fertility clinic. Europe is very famous for…[Read more]
mily replied to the topic My Journey! in the forum Getting Started 6 years, 6 months ago
Your story breaks my heart. I can understand your pain. I know you had struggled a lot in your life. But you can’t lose hope. You know hope is the best energizer for life. MCs always break a woman. It also breaks all dream of a woman toward her child. I know it’s not easy to lose your child in your womb thrice time. But You have to be strong. You…[Read more]
mily replied to the topic Surrogacy. in the forum Getting Started 6 years, 6 months ago
My deepest sympathies to go with you. I can understand your situation. MC is painful. MC breaks all dream of a woman very badly. I’m glad that you chose this forum and share your story with us. You are right surrogacy is only hoped for an infertile couple. My friend had the same story as you. She had three miscarriages. She was very disheartened.…[Read more]
mily replied to the topic Afraid To Go For Surrogacy in the forum Transfer 6 years, 6 months ago
I feel so sorry that you face this problem. Infertility is hard to cure. Majority of the couple is suffering from this. My friend also had the same problem. She had suffered from cancer. Due to this disease, she was unable to become a mother. She had no choice except surrogacy. Surrogacy is the blessing for the infertile couple. She moved to…[Read more]
mily replied to the topic don't lose hope in the forum Getting Started 6 years, 6 months ago
I’m so sorry that you suffering from this problem. I can feel your situation. Majorities to a woman are suffering from this from a younger age.PCOS is the big cause of infertility. My friend also suffering from this from the younger age. But she took it easily. After her marriage she TTC failed. She’s doctor declared her an infertile. Later she…[Read more]
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