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Home Forums Surrogacy Getting Started Need suggestions!


  • This topic has 82 replies, 55 voices, and was last updated 6 years ago by Kelly.
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    Dakota Quinn

    I went for IVF, it did not work for me. So personally I am not in favor of it. I have been thinking about surrogacy, in fact, my husband brought it up. It seems like the only option left for us now. I have been looking into clinics and there are some that we have shortlisted. I cannot wait to visit them and start our journey. It is going to be a wonderful chapter of our lives.


    Hey. I’m 25 years old and married. I want to share my experience with you. That me and my friend is attending a party. This party is far from the city. We go there after a long drive and we cannot suffering from any other circumfrances. We happly reach the place of the party. Then, suddenly pains starts in my friend’s body. Then, we visit the nearest clinic. Doctor told her that she is suffering from infertility and they couldn’t attend the party anymore. This can be harmful for it. Then, I hear about the A****s clinic . That is so far from our place. But we can reach this clinic. Their staff members are very bad and they said that we cannot handle this case. Their doctors are also very bad and they didn’t know that how to handle the patient as well.


    Hi Victoria, hope you and your friend are doing well. It is so sweet of you that you are this concerned about your friend. In my opinion surrogacy is safer. But obviously a good clinic can give better suggestion to your friend. Do tell her to visit some good clinic to get expert advice. Also tell her to be aware of scam clinics like L***s. I had a very pathetic experience with them as they didnt bothered to respond us for weeks. It ll be better if you get information about clinic’s repute before actually visiting. Good Luck!


    Hi there! It is appreciatable that after facing so much pain she is still here to have some guidance. Infertility is the worst thing ever happened to women. But don’t lose hope. IVF is the good option if you want biological attachment with your baby. The success rate depends s upon the clinic. But I suggest you go for the safer option. Surrogacy success rate is higher than IVF. IVf can be failed due to some complications. As she’d been through all this already so must go for surrogacy. Now the question is which clinic she should choose. If I suggest you I’ll say go for the clinic in Europe. I had my personal experience from there. They also provide with the surrogate mother. Take care.


    Hello there, it’s great that most of you are now well aware by processes like IVF and surrogacy. Please tell your friend not to lose hope because of infertility. She can opt for any of these procedures which are safe and successful. Don’t worry if her one treatment fails there are numerous alternates out of which surrogacy and IVF are most recommended. Now it’s on her to choose a good clinic. There are many clinics but beware of the fake ones. If I was asked to suggest a good one I would recommend to go to a clinic in Europe. They have a good success rate and their services are also up to the mark. Moreover, you can communicate with them easily, they are always ready to help you and provide you assistance regarding your respective issue. If she is not sure which process to choose from IVF and surrogacy they’ll definitely help her out in choosing the suitable one for her.


    I’ll help you out whatever the matter is. So if I am not wrong then she is not able to decide between IVF and Surrogacy. Well, it’s not an easy decision to make. A lot of things can go wrong. But desperate time calls for desperate measures. My advice to her is that she should go for Surrogacy. It’s a safer shot. It has fewer chances of becoming unsuccessful. Why? Because it has a high success rate. There is surety that everything will be alright. So what more does one want. I hope this will help your friend a lot. But if she has made the decision already. Then there is not a moment to lose.

    jesica samnth

    Hey Victoria! I guess your friend is a bit confused between choosing the right treatment for her. Just like many others, this curiosity is natural. Many people seemed nervous when opting for treatment. because it’s not an easy decision to make. A number of people get their babies by IVF. But my friend last year tried IVF without luck. I will recommend surrogacy to your friend. The success rate of surrogacy is high as compared to IVF.


    Hi there, it’s great that most of you are now well aware by processes like IVF and surrogacy. Please tell your friend not to lose hope because of infertility. She can opt for any of these procedures which are safe and successful. Don’t worry if her one treatment fails there are numerous alternates out of which surrogacy and IVF are most recommended. Now it’s on her to choose a good clinic. There are many clinics but beware of the fake ones. If I was asked to suggest a good one I would recommend to go to a clinic in Europe. They have a good success rate and their services are also up to the mark. Moreover, you can communicate with them easily, they are always ready to help you and provide you assistance regarding your respective issue. If she is not sure which process to choose from IVF and surrogacy they’ll definitely help her out in choosing the suitable one for her. Good luck!


    Dear Manasi! This is good news for the patients. The team is coming to the event soon. They changed the venue and date. Hope you waiting for this event. They are very good management for patients. They encourage the patients. They gave proper treatment and guide them. The staff dealing with patients very good. The clinic team doing a wonderful job. I really appreciate your efforts. The clinic is best for surrogacy and IVF treatment. Hope you visit the clinic for better treatment. I know that Guys! Best of luck.


    Hello there! I hope you are fine. So sorry to hear about your friend’s infertility. The most difficult phase in infertility is TTC. It is a devastating period in a woman’s life. Give her some hope. She has to be strong at this time. This is not the end yet. There is much treatment for infertility out there. I have been TTC for two years. I took IVF and IUI but all in vain. I had no other option but surrogacy. It has more success rate. I have also read about many successful surrogacy stories. I am taking surrogacy. My treatment is going really good. I have seen many good results. I am sure this time I will have my baby. I wish all the luck to your friend Just keep trying nothing is impossible. May God bless your friend with a healthy child.


    Hey. I think I am with you in this. Surrogacy is a sure shot. And it is successful in most of the cases. Provided that all the legal requirements are fulfilled. And everything took care of. Your opinion wouldn’t be called biased. In fact, I’d say you are speaking from experience. And so am i. So I think it says more about our awareness over the procedure than our support for it. She can try IVF if she feels like doing so. But surrogacy will help her escape all the pain. And still get the eternal bliss of parenthood. At the end of the day, it all depends on her choice and comfort. Cheers to you for doing so much for her.


    Hey Victoria, hope you are doing well. Dear, this matter cant be resolved over suggestions. Your friends’ medical condition will specify the appropriate treatment. As in my case I had endometriosis. So doctors recommended me to try IVF. I failed 2 IVF failures. My husband also left me after that. Now I am with my second husband and he wanted me to try IVF again. We talked to a few clinics among which some were very pathetic like L***s clinic. This clinic dont even respect their patients, they wasted our precious time . Anyways after this worst experience we switched to one other clinic. After reviewing our reports doctors recommended us surrogacy. They briefed us about our medical condition and how our IVF success chances are very shallow. We are now opting for surrogacy and searching for a surrogate. Do tell your friend to take doctor advice and then take appropriate decision.


    I know after miscarriages TTC is the hardest thing. Please accept my deepest condolences on your loss. I am so sorry for you. Please don’t blame yourself. It’s not your fault at all. Don’t think you are alone here. Many of lie you are in the same boat. Everything happens for a good reason. Remeber good things take time. Just as your friend. She had 6 miscarriages but she didn’t lose hope. Now she is a mother, You should also not lose hope. There are many good clinics for treating this disease. The clinic in Europe is treating infertility best. My cousin had her IVF from there. Her first attempt was successful. You should go there. I hope all your requirements will meet up. Have a healthy and happy life ahead. Good luck.


    Hey Victoria, well there are definitely pros and cons for both the processes but I think you should ask your friend that what does she want and what her heart says in this matter because after all, she is going to be the one who is going be in the journey and dealing with the situation. So let her decide and let her chose the best for herself. Good luck.


    I know if she can’t conceive herself. Still, the baby biologically belongs to her. So go for surrogacy. At least, it will definitely give you positive results. Don’t confuse her. Let her decide for herself. God bless her. Take care.

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