
  • I know if she can’t conceive herself. Still, the baby biologically belongs to her. So go for surrogacy. At least, it will definitely give you positive results. Don’t confuse her. Let her decide for herself. God bless her. Take care.

  • Dear, don’t be depressed because of scammers. They are the real scammer. They never reply to anyone. So just move on. And try some other clinics. Eastern Europe is actually a hub of infertility treatments. You will get the best clinics there. There is a famous clinic there. They have the most successful stories. I know you must be hurt. But you…[Read more]

  • smash12 replied to the topic What to do in the forum Getting Started 5 years, 11 months ago

    There are a number of good clinics in Europe. You must opt for any one of them. They are well known for alternates. You should review their forums once. I had my surrogacy from one of the best clinics. Their doctors are so professional. God bless them.

  • Hi dear. I hope you are doing well. And regards for your friend. I am sorry about your friend’s situation. I wish she could be a mother soon. She has a friend like you. You seem to help towards her. That’s a big support for her. I am also in the favour of surrogacy. Because it is a guaranteed process. And IVF is not that much successful. It is…[Read more]

  • Hi dear. I hope you are doing very well now. Congratulations on your success. Thank you so much for sharing such a nice information with us. You have chosen the best way for you. Choosing a right procedure at right time is a real victory. I am also a mother of a surrogate child. I had many doubts. But when I get success. I was so happy. I have a…[Read more]

  • Hi dear. I hope you are doing very well. I can feel what you are thinking now. But don’t be afraid. Everything is gonna smooth soon. I must say you are a strong lady. Don’t lose hope. I was in the same boat. But now I am the successful mother of the surrogate child. The success of surrogacy depends on the clinic which you choose. Make sure you…[Read more]

  • smash12 replied to the topic Surrogacy. in the forum Egg Donation 5 years, 11 months ago

    Thank you so much for clearing this doubt. I must say surrogates are real angels on earth. But you are right still surrogacy is banned in a few countries. On the other hand, Eastern European countries provide this opportunity to those people. They give free accommodation and free traveling. So, anyone can enjoy this joy. Science has given us this…[Read more]

  • smash12 replied to the topic warning in the forum Budgeting & Financial 5 years, 11 months ago

    Hi dear. I hope you are doing well. I am sorry to know about your situation and experience as well. I can understand how disappointing you are at this time. But be brave. You are a strong lady. You need to tackle this situation wisely. There are a lot of good clinics in Eastern Europe. You can opt for any other. Whereas, there is a clinic there…[Read more]

  • I am sorry to know about your infertility. It is a tough time for you. I know how it kills a person from the inside. I was also in your boat. Dear don’t trust such clinics. They do not trustworthy. Most of the times, I came across bad reviews about this clinic. They are real scammers nothing else. But I am telling you about a clinic. It is in…[Read more]

  • smash12 replied to the topic What to do in the forum Getting Started 6 years ago

    Please don’t lose hope, Monika. Adonis is not the last clinic in the world. There are a lot of clinics in Eastern Europe. And all are best from each other. You can opt for any clinic. But make sure don’t become the victim of Lotus clinic. They are also scammers. I don’t understand why they have still opened their clinics. If they are not supposed…[Read more]

  • smash12 replied to the topic Surrogacy in the forum Adoption Agencies 6 years ago

    Yes, you are right dear. Surrogate are exploiting at most of the places in the world. But I had my surrogacy from Eastern Europe. They gave a lot of respect to their surrogates. And they pay more to them than any other country. That’s why I saw surrogates were so polite and cooperative. I was happy to see their behaviour. Some countries still have…[Read more]

  • smash12 replied to the topic What to do in the forum Getting Started 6 years ago

    I am sorry to hear about your experience. Actually, I also read a lot of fake reviews on the forum of Adonis. They play with the feelings of innocent people. Most of the case, I came across was that they ask for money first. Then they ignore to contact their patients. I still can’t believe how people got trapped by them. Anyways, don’t rely on…[Read more]

  • That’s really great. I am inspired by your decision. Of course dear, we are not bored with your story. You want to help your sister. And that is your duty. We are here like a family. We listen to each other and give recommendations. I will recommend you to go and become her surrogate. She will be very happy after listening to this news. There are…[Read more]

  • smash12 replied to the topic A warning in the forum Surrogacy Agencies 6 years ago


  • Hello dear. I hope you are doing well. Thanks for sharing this information. I belong to Asia. But I am not satisfied with the procedure they are offering. India has just started surrogacy. But they exploit surrogate so badly. This kind of inhumanity didn’t appeal me go for surrogacy there. That’s why I went to Eastern Europe for my surrogacy.…[Read more]

  • smash12 replied to the topic Need Some Guidance! in the forum Getting Started 6 years ago

    I am sorry for your loss. Have patience. It is not your fault. Mc is not easy to handle. I can feel your pain. I am also infertile. But your husband should stand with you. I don’t know why he is doing all this. Anyways, if alternate ways can save your life. Then, Yes you should opt for that. As per my experience, Surrogacy is the safest known…[Read more]

  • smash12 replied to the topic Need Some Guidance! in the forum Getting Started 6 years ago

    Helo dear. I am sorry for your loss. I can feel your pain. Because I was also in the same boat some times ago. I have had surrogacy from a clinic in Europe. I will suggest yo the same. If you go for surrogacy it will still give you your own biological child. IVF would be more painful. Else, IVF has fewer chances of success. Whereas, surrogacy has…[Read more]

  • smash12 replied to the topic A warning in the forum Surrogacy Agencies 6 years ago

    I am sorry for your loss. Your story made me cry literally. I am astonished to see you are still running for your dreams. It’s amazing. I would suggest going for surrogacy from any clinic in Eastern Europe. They ave best clinics in the world. Some are famous for surrogacy only. They have the most popular stories about surrogacy. I love to read a…[Read more]

  • smash12 replied to the topic Bad Experience in the forum Adoption Agencies 6 years ago

    Hello dear. I am sorry for what you are facing. But I hope you must be relaxed at the moment. I think you are talking about Adonis clinic. I also heard bad about this clinic. One of my colleagues visits their clinic. And she was so disappointed in the staff. I heard these type of reviews from a lot of people before. You should change your option.…[Read more]

  • smash12 replied to the topic Depressed in the forum International Surrogacy 6 years ago

    Dear, please don’t be sad. I can feel your pain. I know how you feel now. I had 3 MC. But I fought with the situation. I wet for surrogacy. It was the best time for me. Because my husband was supporting me. His family did not want to be with me. But my husband supported a lot. I went to Eastern Europe for my treatment. But you have faith in GOD.…[Read more]

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