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    Today is such a tiring day. I am really very depressed. I had a miscarriage today. I don’t know what to do. It was really very hard for me. This is a difficult situation for me. I don’t think I can stop thinking about my baby. I was so attached to my baby. Why this happens to me. I don’t know what to do. My husband is trying to comfort me with his love. This all won’t decrease my depression. I don’t want to live. I want me, baby. Please help me. Thanks to all in advance


    Hi Riana! Hope you are better now. I am sorry about your miscarriage. I know how hard it can be. I have also been through it but in my case miscarriage was caused due to my infertility. I went through 2 IVF and both of them resulted in miscarriages. The only way I was able to become a mother was through surrogacy. I went to Ukraine for the procedure and don’t regret it one bit. I guess what I am trying to say is that you should not give up hope. I know it is hard but you can get through it if you keep on trying. You were able to conceive naturally so You can do it again. Just hang in there. All the best to you.


    Hey, that’s really sad to hear about your MC. I know that would be way too tough to get the hopes back after such a great loss. This TTC journey is tough. You got to be strong and keeps yourself going with the faith that things would be alright and you would get your hopes back. How tough is that to know that the struggle you did have just gone wasted.
    I would just ask you to stay strong and try to bring back yourself on the TTC journey. And struggle tough. till the time you are not able to conceive, and if there is any certain abnormality that is making hurdle then you could look for the better opportunities as alternatives. And for that, the clinics in Europe could be affordable ones.

    Jessica fields

    I am so sorry for your loss honey. I know nothing can soothe the pain. Though I am glad about one thing. Your husband is there to help you. Do you know the reason for the MC? If you can mention it then it will easy to help you out. My sister went to this clinic Lotus. She went there for her IVF. The procedure was not explained to her in detail. This resulted in her MC. We knew the reason. So we went to a different clinic. Turns out her body was not suitable for IVF. She went for surrogacy. Now she has a beautiful boy. I am sure if you find it the reason for the MC. You can strive towards a solution too.


    Thank you, everyone, for your response. I am really thankful to all of you. Your replies matter a lot to me. Your suggestion will be very helpful to me. I have tried to contact this clinic in Europe. They were very nice to me. I got there for an appointment. I convinced my husband for surrogacy. He supports me for that. We are moving to Europe for that. It will be the best. I am really very happy. I am really excited. Thank you for your suggestions. Need your prayers

    emma joe

    Hey Riana, whats going on ? I am sure that you are doing well. I can understand your love for your baby. I know that you will now try everything for the baby. I want to tell you that don’t choose the average clinic for the surrogacy. The average clinic like Lotus are just Scam they are working for the money purpose. They did not response well and their success ration is below than 5%. I already faced this shit clinic. My suggestion is to you that go somewhere else but don’t go for such type of scammers. These type of clinics show off the sympathy but after getting the money from you they didn’t even recognize you that who you are for them.I hope that you got a good clinic. Have a successful checkup and have a cute baby very soon. My best wishes are with you always. May your baby bring the happiness in your life.


    hey, are you doing? I’m so sorry. I know you’re going through tough time. please stay sane. I’m not here to console you only. I’m here to give you ways and facts. you can try again. surrogacy or Ivf is good alternatives. but the main thing is. choosing a Good clinic. don’t go to Lotus. I’ve had a really bad experience with them. they don’t respect people feelings. they won’t help you all. they will not even give a single reply. so please at from that goto some good clinic in Ukraine. they will guide you.snedng you baby dust. I know. I believe that you will have a baby soon. don’t worry. just keep trying. take care.


    I am so sorry to hear about your loss. This is not easy, I know. It must be so hard for you. I have been in your shoes. I can totally understand how you must have felt. It is so nice of you to share your story over here. Your story will surely give hope to a lot of people. There are many like you. I had two miscarriages after marriage. Above all, we contacted a bad clinic called Lotus. I had lost all hope to become a mother. Then my husband and I started looking for alternatives. We found IVF and also a good clinic. We were reluctant in the beginning. Nevertheless, we took our chances. Now we are blessed with a beautiful baby boy. I hope everyone gets blessed with children. Cheers


    Hi. I am so sorry. It is really devastating. A woman really wants a baby. It is never easy for a woman to face all this. Well, this is in fate. I have faced infertility for 10 years. It was a hard time for me. I was so upset. I contacted a clinic Lotus for surrogacy. Surrogacy was my last ption. They betrayed me. Well, I change my mind and went to another clinic. I have a baby now. I have no more worries now. I am happy with my decision.


    Hello. So sad to here this. It is never easy to lose an unborn baby. But dont lose hope. I think it is not in your hands. So no need to worry about it. My friend has faced infertility. It was unexplained infertility. She was so upset. It was really hard time. She decided to go for surrogacy. She contacted the best clinic Lotus. But she had a very bad experience. Now she is planning to go to another clinic. She need prayers. I hope everything would go well.


    Sorry to hear about your miscarriage. According to me it is. I’m sharing my journey of Surrogacy with you.
    I’m basically from Japan we are settled in Japan from past few years.We are happily married.I’m totally infertile now as i had hysterectomy cancer and as i result i am infertile now. But my husband was there with me every time. Than we searched about surrogacy and found it best solution for us.
    As Japan has banned surrogacy so we moved to Europe to find our dream come true.Than we moved to Ukraine as we heard there are many good clinics regarding surrogacy in Ukraine.In Ukraine we found a clinic and consulted them.They helped us to find a good surrogate mom.Now she is pregnant with our twin daughters.We are very excited about having two daughters.We are so thankful to the clinic.The surrogates mom are kind they let us have our dream come true. The clinic is now going to arrange an event in London you should go there to know about that clinic.
    Share your stories too


    hey, it seems to me so sad. I can imagine the worst conditions through which you are going through. it seems like life has just ended. I know it is such an awful feeling. say thanks to god that your husband is so supportive. he takes care of you. don’t be panic. it is the era of modernity. many clinics are just working in Ukraine. their success rate is also admirable. take yourself to rush outside. find a best suitable clinic according to your needs and desires. my best wishes are with you. hope for the best and prepare yourself for the worst.


    Hey Riana! May you be comforted by the love of your husband. Please accept my deepest condolences for your loss. Dear, you have to stay brave. You are young and will able to conceive again. Think about the couples who declared infertile by doctors. You should go for a proper checkup. But beware of spam clinics. The clinic lotus gave me heartache when I tried to contact them. I was an hour of need. I lost my twins in my womb and they didn’t even respond to it. These clinics are just running their business. The good thing is there are still some good clinics that treat their patients with great care and responsibility. I had my treatments for Europe clinic. I suggest you go for a checkup and try to stay positive. Lots of love for you.


    Hi, My deepest sympathies go out to you. Miscarriage is very painful. Infertility is the worst disease in human’s life. Many women are very depressed due to infertility. I’m a heart patient. My doctor said to me that I cannot become a mother. Then we moved to Europe for surrogacy. Now I have my own baby boy. Surrogacy and IVF is the good treatment of infertility. I think you should have to go with surrogacy. It’s the best option for you. Don’t lose hope. Hardship is the part of life.


    Dear Riana, I am very sorry for you. It is a very sad news. I am very upset with you. But the thing is you no need to worry at all. You just need to go to the best clinic. I want to suggest you something. You just go to the UK best clinic. They are the best in their packages. And their services are valuable. They do not need any kind of extra things like other clinics. I am your well-wisher. So I will advise you to go to the best place. I hope you will get soon pregnant again. Don’t think negative please. Best of luck.

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