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  • This topic has 31 replies, 29 voices, and was last updated 6 years ago by Anonymous.
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    Oh dear! I am really sorry for your loss. I know how it feels to lose your baby before birth. May you be comforted by the love of your husband. You have to stay strong. There are many women out there whose stories are the same as you. In fact, i was TTC for 2 years and faced 4 miscarriages. I thought now that’s it his is the end for me. But with the encouragement of my husband, I went to the clinic in Europe for a proper checkup. They told me that I am facing fetal abnormalities due to which it is getting hard for me to conceive. They suggested me IVF and with the luck and cooperation of the clinic, my first attempt was successful. So dear don’t lose hope. Hope everything will get better for you soon.


    I am extremely stressed over you problem It was extremely hard for you. Both IVF and IUI flops for your situation. I am extremely sad about this. That is the hard minute in people groups life. It crushes numerous individuals living before. At the point when because of barrenness they were not able have a youngster. There was no appropriate treatment for it in those days. Individuals carry on with as long as they can remember without youngsters. These days Europe is the primary center for these medicines. There is a decent facility in Europe. They are the best at managing such issues. I wish you a good fortunes with that. My all the best are with you


    Miscarriages are hard, I know and cam totally relates your pain. I have been through three miscarriages a few years ago when IVF was a total fail as I happened to be a poor responder. Have you seen a good RE? Because miscarriages don’t indicate infertility but recurrent miscarriages do indicate some hurdles in conceptions. Therefore you need a good doctor to diagnose and treat infertility. If you are older than 35 then its a long road because the ovarian reserve tends to reduce at this age. After trying for years I have resorted to surrogacy. I have signed up with a European clinic. It has been a very satisfying experience so far. I will recommend it you if you are looking for assisted conception. They specialize in IVF and IUI. Good luck

    Farah Smith

    Am so sorry to know about your sorry sweetheart. Miscarriages are indeed very hard for women. It is hard to cope with. I can understand your pain. You are not alone in this. There are many women out there in this boat with you. IVF is though very common but its very risky too. As it will involve you and you will give birth so you need to be physically and mentally fit. This is why it results in miscarriages. This process can result in success if things work through proper manner. I had faced these times too. Thanks to my doctor who suggested me a quality clinic in n Europe. They were amazing throughout my journey. It is good that there are quality clinics too. Good luck to every woman out there.


    I hope you’re doing good. The clinic I am visiting for the process has so reasonable packages. It feels wonderful to see that there are clinics that still care about people. My journey of surrogacy so far is going amazing. The clinic does have a very proper way of dealing with people and it is honestly great. The surrogates are chosen after a medical test and once they conceive the clinic takes extreme care. They are called for checkups and it is ensured that they are having a right diet. Feel free to ask more specific questions so that I am able to help you.


    I am extremely sorry to hear about the tough times. I must be hard for you. As I myself am in the process for a very long time. Therefore, I can understand how hard it has been for you. Surrogacy has given hope to people like you and me. I to have opted for the process. For me, the financial issue was also a thing that I had to consider. Therefore, when I came across a clinic in Ukraine which offered an economic package. I think it is extremely important to do your research as well. I am so glad that I came across them. Since they are operating at a very professional level.


    Hi Rianna. How are you doing? Hope so you are doing fine? I am really feeling very sorry for you. Going through a miscarriage is not an easy thing at all. My first pregnancy also resulted in the miscarriage and I know how it feels like. My dear, don’t lose hope and stay positive. Things will definitely work for you soon. Just stay hopeful and stay motivated. Keep trying to conceive again. Wish you best of luck for this. Sending you positive vibes.

    Julia Christine

    Hey Riana! Hope so you will be fine. I really felt so sad to know about your loss. It’s really a tough thing to handle. But I think you should try some alternate methods like surrogacy. I this way, someone will carry your child in her womb. Biologically the child will be of you just her development will take place in her. There is a clinic in Europe which is best regarding such treatments. I think you should consult them. I hope it will be fruitful for you.
    My love and support


    Oh Riana, I am so sorry to hear that dear. Thats really sad. I can feel your pain. I am heartbroken too and had been crying the entire day. I have been TTC for years but nothing worked. I convinced my husband to try surrogacy once though he wanted to go for adopted. I was not convinced for adopted as I was an adopted child and I have seen that deprivation in my parents’ eyes of not having a biological child. My DH agreed and we started looking for clinics. A colleague suggested me L***s clinic in Ukraine. Though we live in Ireland but we agree to try Ukraine clinic. We though to get info and finalize things from Ireland. We planned to visit afterwards to start our process. So we email them to share their surrogacy plans and expense details. Its been weeks now and they didnt bothered to reply. I am so shattered and dishearten, how can they be this unprofessional?


    Hey Dear! I hope that you will be good. I am extremely sorry to hear about your loss. This is an extremely sad situation for you and your family. I am sure it must have been extremely difficult condition for you. Please accept our heartfelt sympathies on the loss of your loved one.We pray the love of God enfolds you during this difficult time. But I think you should try some alternate methods like surrogacy. I this way, someone will carry your child in her womb. Biologically the child will be of you just her development will take place in her. There is a clinic in Europe which is best regarding such treatments. I think you should consult them. I hope it will be fruitful for you.


    Dear, please don’t be sad. I can feel your pain. I know how you feel now. I had 3 MC. But I fought with the situation. I wet for surrogacy. It was the best time for me. Because my husband was supporting me. His family did not want to be with me. But my husband supported a lot. I went to Eastern Europe for my treatment. But you have faith in GOD. Everything will be alright. Take care.


    Aww, dear don’t lose hope. I can understand your situation. I know its hard. It really doesn’t mean you should lose hope. It’s not the end of your life. Surrogacy will be suitable in your situation. There are many good clinics that are dealing with it. You should visit them. It will be best for you. I wish you get your happiness soon. I have seen many couples having their happiness through surrogacy. Remember difficulties in your journey makes your destination beautiful. Don’t lose hope. Wish you are very good luck. Baby dust to you

    Sara Alston

    Hi Riana. How are you doing now? My dear, going through a miscarriage is not an easy thing at all. I am feeling really very sorry for you. Miscarriages broke the women apart. My dear, don’t lose hope and try again. Also, consult with your doctor that what is going wrong with your pregnancy. There is also another treatment like IUI and Surrogacy. You should also look into it. Wish you the best of luck.

    lisa grey

    So sad to hear about your miscarriage. It’s really a big loss for you and for your family. I cant say anything about your loss. Looks good that your husband is really supportive and cooperative. You have to be brave. If you face some problems then I recommend you to visit a clinic in Europe. Their services and staff are really cooperative and they give the best results. Best wishes to you. Be brave and be strong. stay blessed.


    I am so sorry for you. I cant describe my feelings for you. its really painful thing. Parenthood is really a blessing. But you have to be brave and strong. You’ll get your baby very soon. My prayers for you. You do not have to give up. There are many women who are facing the same problems as you. Be strong and do visit a clinic in Europe. Their staff and services are really good. They are giving the best results. You’ll get your baby soon. Best wishes to you.

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