Sara Alston

  • Your post is really very optimistic. I loved your post. Let’s hope that this wonderful procedure will keep helping infertile couples. I myself is thinking of going for surrogacy. Let’s hope that this procedure will fulfil my desires. I have fixed my appointment with the clinic in Europe. Guys pray for me.

  • Bad clinics are like a nightmare. You should try to forget that nightmare as soon as possible. Because this is good for you. My dear, you should try another clinic. Don’t lose hope. Things will definitely get better to you by time. But before going for infertility treatment this time you should investigate about the clinic. And it’s even better to…[Read more]

  • My dear friend, infertility is not an easy thing to cope with. Your situation is really very heartbreaking. All my sympathies are with you. Just stay strong and stay positive. Surrogacy is expensive than the IVF but it is the very successful procedure. Also, its success chances are 95%. So dear, I think you should go for surrogacy instead of IVF.…[Read more]

  • Hi Charlos. How are you doing? Hope so you are doing fine. Well, I agree with your post to some extent. You are right that some things are not in favour of surrogate mothers. But the case is not the same in every clinic. There are also good clinics which are helping out the women. Let’s hope that things will work out for everyone. Your post is…[Read more]

  • Hi Alina. How are you doing? Hope so you are doing fine. Well, you are true, my friend there are only a few clinics which are helping and very honest with their patients. And it is not easy to find a good clinic. But my dear, don’t lose hope and stay positive. Things will definitely work for you. Just stay positive and stay relax. Keep looking and…[Read more]

  • Sara Alston replied to the topic don't lose hope in the forum Getting Started 6 years ago

    Jessica, I am feeling really very sorry for what you have a face. Bad clinics are everywhere. They are demoralizing the whole community of infertile couples. I am really feeling very sad that most of the people have to go through this worst situation. My dear, don’t lose hope and stay positive. Things will definitely work for you. Keep looking and…[Read more]

  • Hey Alina. How are you doing? Hope so you are doing fine. Well, my dear, I am really feeling very sorry what you have to go through. This is a really very bad thing. Going through the unfortunate thing for women is not an easy thing to forget. A clinic like Lotus is the reason why infertile people are not going for the treatments like surrogacy.…[Read more]

  • Sara Alston replied to the topic Bad Experience in the forum Getting Started 6 years ago

    Hi Alina. How are you doing? Hope so you are doing fine. Well, my dear, I am really feeling very sorry for what you have to go through. Infertility is really the very difficult thing to get rid of. But it is necessary for you to move on. Because that bad experience will give you nothing. Adonis clinic was not the place for you. There are scam and…[Read more]

  • Sara Alston replied to the topic Need Some Guidance! in the forum Getting Started 6 years ago

    Hi Alsa. My dear, your condition is really very bad. I am feeling very sorry for you. Going through a miscarriage is not an easy thing at all. My dear, you should go fertility treatment like surrogacy and IVF. It will definitely help you. Just be patient. Things will definitely work you. Avoid the clinic like Lotus they are fraud and scam. And…[Read more]

  • Sara Alston replied to the topic What to do in the forum Getting Started 6 years ago

    Hi Kim. How are you? Well, you experience is eye-opening to me. Thank you so much for helping me with this post. I was literally thinking of fixing an appointment with the Adonis Clinic. But luckily I just read your post. Thank you so much once again for writing this post. It will be surely helpful to all the infertile couples. Glad that you have…[Read more]

  • Sara Alston replied to the topic A dark end in the forum Getting Started 6 years ago

    Hi Emma. How are you doing? Hope so you are doing fine. Well, I am feeling very sorry for what you have to go through. This is really unfortunate. Adonis and Lotus clinic are playing with the feelings of the infertile couple. I myself booked an appointment for my surrogacy in Lotus clinic. But they did not response my calls. I tried every possible…[Read more]

  • Surrogacy is one of the best treatment for the infertile couple. Everyone who is struggling from infertility should look forward to this treatment. But financial cost plays a very major role. One of my friends also had a surrogacy in Eastern Europe. And the expenses were very quite reasonable for her. She also had very high facilities in the…[Read more]

  • Sara Alston replied to the topic Bad Experience in the forum Adoption Agencies 6 years ago

    Hi Emma. How are you? Hope so you are doing fine. I have been reading this kind of thread for many days. And I feel that it is all happening because of os misunderstanding. People are not choosing the right clinic for their treatment. I think people should choose their clinic carefully. All the people who are now thinking of having an infertility…[Read more]

  • Sara Alston replied to the topic A dark end in the forum Getting Started 6 years ago

    Hi Emma. How are you doing? Hope so you are doing fine. Well, I am really feeling very sorry for you. This is really unfortunate. Going through infertility is not an easy thing at all for the women. It took so much courage for women to face this. I am glad that you are facing very bravely. Don’t lose hope. And stay positive. Things will definitely…[Read more]

  • Sara Alston replied to the topic Need Some Guidance! in the forum Getting Started 6 years ago

    Hi Lisa. How are you doing? Hope si you are doing fine. Your story is very heartbreaking. I am feeling very sorry for you. Thanks for sharing this post. I will surely take care of what you have said. I think you should go for IVF. IVF is the best procedure for an infertile couple. I myself had a baby through IVF. And it was one of the best…[Read more]

  • Hi Milan. How are you doing? Hope so you are doing fine. Well, this is really a good news. I think you should become surrogate for your gay brother. This is really a good deed. I appreciate your willingness. This is really a great deed. Becoming a surrogate for six children is not an easy thing at all. But I am glad that you did it without any…[Read more]

  • Sara Alston replied to the topic Transfer in the forum Transfer 6 years ago

    Hello Alina. I read your thread. This is really very painful. I can’t imagine how much this could be heartbreaking to you. All my sympathies are with you. Good clinics and bad clinic are everywhere. But it is the responsibility of yours to find a good clinic. This is totally unfortunate. You should avoid such clinics from now. Clinic in Eastern…[Read more]

  • Sara Alston replied to the topic A warning in the forum Surrogacy Agencies 6 years ago

    Hi. Dear, this is really heartbreaking. All my sympathies are with you. Don’t lose hope, my dear. Life is like a roller coaster it has its own ups and down. But stay strong. Things will definitely work for you. Just be patient. There is also a good clinic in the market. It just takes a bit of effort to figure out a good clinic. Keep trying. Wish…[Read more]

  • Sara Alston replied to the topic Depressed in the forum International Surrogacy 6 years ago

    Hi Riana. How are you doing now? My dear, going through a miscarriage is not an easy thing at all. I am feeling really very sorry for you. Miscarriages broke the women apart. My dear, don’t lose hope and try again. Also, consult with your doctor that what is going wrong with your pregnancy. There is also another treatment like IUI and Surrogacy.…[Read more]

  • Sara Alston replied to the topic Dreaming of a Baby in the forum Surrogacy Agencies 6 years ago

    Hey Olivia. Congratulation for getting married. I am really feeling very happy that you guys are now moving ahead to have a baby. My dear, before going for surrogacy choose your clinic very wisely. Because one of my friends had a very bad experience in Lotus clinic. The clinic is totally scam and fraud. So dear, while choosing a clinic to be…[Read more]

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