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Home Forums Surrogacy Surrogacy Agencies A warning

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    Sara Alston

    Hi. Dear, this is really heartbreaking. All my sympathies are with you. Don’t lose hope, my dear. Life is like a roller coaster it has its own ups and down. But stay strong. Things will definitely work for you. Just be patient. There is also a good clinic in the market. It just takes a bit of effort to figure out a good clinic. Keep trying. Wish you the best of luck. Sending you positve vibes.


    I am sorry for your loss. Your story made me cry literally. I am astonished to see you are still running for your dreams. It’s amazing. I would suggest going for surrogacy from any clinic in Eastern Europe. They ave best clinics in the world. Some are famous for surrogacy only. They have the most popular stories about surrogacy. I love to read a lot of success stories that’s why I know all this. Good luck with your research. God bless you, dear. I am also a mother of the surrogate baby. I can feel what you are feeling right now.




    infertility clinics or agencies are supposed to provide the hopes and success for the intended parents. The individuals who consult such clinics have already been going through such odds of life that they really don’t have any strength left to observe more odds in life. I have trusted fertility clinics for years and I even have heard many success stories. I am glad that there are many clinics that are providing successful treatments at an affordable cost. Such treatments are way too costly and we have to make a good selection as far as clinics are concerned. I have very little knowledge over clinics.I just hope that no one would get stuck in all such things. Be aware.


    I have read your post. I am speechless. The worst thing in life is when doctors declare you infertile. I am very sad to hear about your car accident. I am in tears. All those plans and all those thoughts are ruined. But do not lose hope. Nothing is impossible in today’s world. I have seen many cases of being infertile. Do not worry about your infertility. I had the same case but now I have a 6 months old baby boy. You contacted Adonis clinic. The worst clinic in Europe. They do not care about you or your health. They just need money and they are making money there. Do not visit Adonis clinic again. There is a clinic in Europe which is giving the best results. Do visit them and ask them about your problems.


    Hi dear! I hope you are doing great. I felt really bad to hear about your infertility. Your post will aware many peolpe. Infertility is really hard to deal with. It is going to help many infertile couples. Today I am also here to share my bad experience. The motive of my post is to aware. Let me tell you my story. I got married two years ago. I got pregnant three times. All the time my pregnancy ended at miscarriage. The doctors declared me infertile. I was really depressed. I decided to go for surrogacy. I came to know about the clinic named Lotus. I tried to contact them. First, they replied to my email but after some time. They stopped to reply. I completely relied on them but they disappointed me. I was like they do not want to help. I would aware all of you to keep away from this kind of clinics. Good luck.”


    We were looking for a good clinic to support us and guide us through the whole process. We contacted adinos clinc for our surrogacy consutancy. But the clinic is not good to be contacted. The clinic didn’t even paid attention to our case. We mailed the clinic 3 times but the clinic didn’t replied. Be aware of clinic and don’t waste your time on this clinic.
    I am 43 and i was thinking of going to surrogacy to have a baby.
    I know that at this age and keeping in mind all the aspects regarding mt previous pregnancy complications getting pregnant again will be not a good idea.
    So i have convinced my husband for having a baby via surrogacy.
    For that purpose we have consulted a number of clinics and have positive reviews about surrogacy.
    Now as i and my husband are ready for surrogacy option.
    Tired of all the complications i had gone through during pregnancy i gave up upon the hope of having a baby.
    Please share your experience if you have any regarding surrogacy.
    Thanks in advance.


    I cannot take this pain. So grieved to hear such kind of a story. What high hopes he would have from that clinic. But they did not even bother. Really shameful to me. I want to share my friend’s story with all of you. My friend was not able to conceive. She contacted Adonis. They agreed to help her. When she went to the clinic, their tone became rigid. She did not bother. But when they prescribed her the tests. She became upset because she could not afford all those. So she quit the treatment in the end. I suggest everyone the same thing. Don’t take treatment from this clinic.

    Alice Blake

    Hello there. I am 43 years old. The doctors declared me infertile. I was really depressed. I decided to go for surrogacy. I came to know about the clinic named Lotus. I tried to contact them. First, they replied to my email but after some time. They stopped to reply. I got so hopeless. But then I consulted this clinic in Ukraine. And it seems great. It seems like it is the solution to my problem. I hope it goes well. I need prayers.

    Mrs Mcguill

    I am sorry that you had to go through so much. This must have been very hard. Going through an accident. And then getting to know that you are infertile. You must have been devastated. Having children is the dream of many women. And women try to contact any clinic they can. Therefore, they do not search much. I would suggest everyone search around before choosing a clinic. Clinics like lotus exist that ruin the hope of people. It is better to read different reviews on forums. Search around on Youtube. There are so many videos posted regarding it. It is better to learn from the experience of others. Wishing you luck for the future.


    hello Emma James!!! I can imagine your situation. its the hardest time of life. a woman is considered incomplete without kids. kids make her life happy and full of joys. when a woman acknowledges her infertility news she becomes so upset. even she can’t die. because society will declare her a coward. such a lady who couldn’t face a situation. that’s why I always recommend women don’t lose hope whatever the situation is. just keep calm and look for a clinic. but when clinics become to play tricks with their patients it hurts a lot. in this situation whom we can blame. we left nothing except to shed tears on our foolishness.

    emma james

    I have a miscarriage at 6 month of my pregnancy. After that I just start drinking. My husband try to bring me back to my normal life. But I have this dream of raising a baby from my childhood and when I was this much close to fulfill my dream then this horrible moment destroy every thing. I was like a person drowning in a sea of his own tears. Everything has gone dark for me. Specially when I try to go for surrogacy and contact this clinic in Ukraine called L**s. they are the worst people on this planet. I go there in hope of finding something that get me out of this darkness but their rude behavior and bad environment just push me further to this darkness. They demand a dozen of documents but did not help me in any of one. Their staff nurses are not trained well. They do not have manners. They treat their patients just for money and nothing else. They procedure is very slow. Most of their staff just preffered to sit idle and do nothing. After I visited them I am having believe that this infertility cannot be cured and I am cursed with it for ever….


    Many people have been complaining about that clinic dear. So I do understand where your anger comes from. However, surrogacy is such a satisfying experience. Intended parents are able to be a part of every milestone of their surrogate pregnancy, from embryo transfer to their child’s birth. This way, intended parents can experience the pregnancy process in a way they may have never originally dreamed they could. While surrogacy is technically a business transaction, it’s much more to intended parents and surrogates. Usually, intended parents will form an intimate bond with their surrogate as they learn more about her and her family throughout the surrogacy process. Some surrogacy agencies may be more lenient than adoption agencies on certain intended parent restrictions like age. All surrogates are thoroughly screened to make sure their previous pregnancies were problem-free and their medical history will not impede their ability to be a surrogate. Therefore, there’s a higher chance that an embryo transfer will be successful in surrogacy than in IVF treatments. While IVF treatments and adoptions can leave intended parents feeling helpless over their own parenthood journey, surrogacy gives them the ability to be involved from the first step of the process.


    Hey girl! It’s so stressing what you have gone through! You don’t deserve this! Don’t worry there are so many good clinics in town! Which are in the budget! You should visit them! I hope things get better with you! Wait for the good days with patience!


    I have heard a lot about L***S in the electronic media. But, here, after reading these negative comments, I am really shocked. Could anyone please let me know that if these kind of highly renowned clinics are not working professionally, then what will be the option for the public? Infertility has grown to the alarming level and so should be the advancement in the field of medication. These drawbacks could hurt any of the human beings even more since it would be the loss of both ways: emotional and monitory. It has exactly happened to my aunt, she conceived once, but the negligence of doctors could not handle her case and she faced DNC. More sorrowfully, she could not conceive after that incident. I request to all professional that please be extra conscious to deal with these sensitive issues.

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