
  • Jackoline replied to the topic A warning in the forum Surrogacy Agencies 5 years, 11 months ago

    Hey girl! It’s so stressing what you have gone through! You don’t deserve this! Don’t worry there are so many good clinics in town! Which are in the budget! You should visit them! I hope things get better with you! Wait for the good days with patience!

  • Hi, hope you are well! I am happy to see your post! That’s good you have revealed them! I had the worst experience with the clinic A****s! I wonder how they still exist! They must be banned all over! Clinics like them don’t make people trust in the good clinics as well! They are so clever! They are doing this with so many people! I have got many…[Read more]

  • Hello! I am really sorry to read about your experience! I have been reading many negative posts on different forums about this clinic A****s! I know its really devastating when someone is playing with your emotions when you are going through the toughest part of your life! Infertility is such a touchy issue! Infertile couples should be treated…[Read more]

  • Hello Amelia! Hope you are doing great! Thanks for sharing this post but Unfortunately I have also been the victim of this clinic A****s! Infertility was the worst nightmare for me. My husband found them on the web! There were so many good things were written! We contacted them via email but they did not respond for like 2 months! I wonder how can…[Read more]

  • Hi! Hope you are well! If it’s not too much trouble avoid such clinics. The reality of the matter is that such misrepresentation clinics exist! Center A****s is one of them. They are cash producers. Making fool individuals is their favorite task. They have untrained staff too. It would be ideal if you be exceptionally watchful while picking…[Read more]

  • Hello, I am extremely sorry to learn all your experience This is so irritating. I know there are negative comments circulating around about this clinic, I likewise need to specify this clinic called A****. the same experience happened to me as well. Your survey may protect numerous lives. Since they are creating fake profiles and phony finding of…[Read more]

  • It is surely a frightening thing. I am additionally going to leave for an extraordinary facility. In spite of the fact that I am sure that it is a fantastic center, however accounts of non proficient mentality like that of A****s truly frighten me to death. It is great that individuals offer such disloyalty stories. These encounters are of…[Read more]

  • Hi. This remark is additionally one among many. I read such a significant number of remarks about the A****s facility and the greater part of them are negative. I even have an individual involvement with them that did not turn out remotely great. It was their non proficient lead and non genuine conduct towards my worries that made me exceptionally…[Read more]

  • Hello! I am extremely sorry to learn about the experience. It is without a doubt terrible. These facilities are truly breaking the core of numerous individuals. They don’t try tuning in to the issues of the patients. I am certain A****s will lose its notoriety along these lines. The primary need of the center ought to be to tune in to the patient.…[Read more]

  • Jackoline replied to the topic Transfer in the forum Transfer 5 years, 11 months ago

    Good day! How’s it hanging with you? Expectation you are alright. I feel frustrated about what you had experienced. I likewise had an awful involvement with this A****s centre. Their mentality toward clients is extremely untrustworthy. I likewise messaged them my reports and asked the data identifying with their system of treatment and approaches.…[Read more]

  • Hello!!! I concur with you. L***s does likewise with me. It is profoundly amateurish conduct. They should examine this site. They don’t know how it can leave an awful effect on their facility’s notoriety. Yet, who minds here. Everybody simply needs cash. Its everybody most profound wants to be a mother in her life ever. In any case, this can’t be…[Read more]

  • Hello! Hope you are well! I am 32 years old an infertile! I am in the pain of infertility is just because of this clinic A****s! I trusted them like anything! They trapped me in their sweet words! They have removed my uterus in the name of surgery! I was really stupid that i signed the papers because they are the worst! I should not trust them! I…[Read more]

  • Hi! This is extremely dismal news. I can thoroughly comprehend the circumstance you are experiencing. Doctor’s facilities or centers assumes a crucial part in pregnancy. I had been casualty of these sort of facilities also. I got pregnant after 2 unsuccessful labors. I went to A****s for my consultancy. I have told Please know about picking any center.

  • Hi! Hope you all are well! I am infertile! I got married and faced many difficulties during my married life! I wanted to go for my treatment! I chose A****s! I had worst experience for there! They made me fool and played with my feelings! Never recommending anyone!

  • You are completely right. I have officially heard numerous terrible audits and encounters with them. I might likewise want to impart my cousin’s involvement to a center named A****s. Many phony facilities have come in this field only for cash. They are plundering individuals. My cousin counseled them through messages. In any case, when she visited…[Read more]

  • “Hey, How are you doing? I was so lost. I had a very bad experience with the same clinic. I consulted A****s clinic a few weeks ago. I had finally thought that my problem of not conceiving would have a solution. I sent so many emails. They replied to only one. I asked for an appointment and they replied that they will get back to me shortly. They…[Read more]

  • Hello! I am cheerful for you. Fruitlessness is unquestionably not something hopeless. You should simply be solid and choose best for you. You did that you experienced surrogacy. It is definitely a beneficial strategy. I additionally had surrogacy. In any case, picking a fitting facility is a critical advance. I looked into for some facilities. One…[Read more]

  • Hi Dear! I trust you are fine. I am dismal as well after your post about you. Fruitlessness is a revile. It influences the entire existence of a woman completely. So one should battle this revile and stay strong. Since progress is for the individuals who attempt over and over. This is an extremely celebrated good that fearlessness is the dad of…[Read more]

  • Hey! I’m so sad about the end result for you. The organization of A****s is so ridiculous. They couldn’t care less about the agony of barren ladies. I messaged them as well however abandoned them genuine soon . Cause I understood that they are tricksters. However, I should state shouldn’t treat their patients like that. I mean this is simply silly…[Read more]

  • I am so sad Alina. This is so dismal. I can absolutely relate pal. I am likewise finding a decent facility. I am additionally a casualty of A****s facility. I have been confronting fruitlessness since most recent 5 years. It is so disappointing that I have attempted each conceivable treatment yet nothing worked. My uterus isn’t sufficiently…[Read more]

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