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    hey. hope you are doing better now. actually choosing the right clinic is a very important part when it comes to reproduction matters. I have seen a lot of people going to clinics and then their situation getting worse. these are actually very sensitive matters and one should not just choose a clinic without reviewing or consulting people about it. I am also getting my treatment done from a clinic in Ukraine. lets see how it turns to be.


    Hey there Alina! How are you doing? I hope you are doing fine. I am so sorry to hear about your infertility. Infertility issue becomes very common nowadays. But surrogacy is a great alternative to cope with infertility. Bad to hear about adonis clinic attitude towards the patients. I have heard many complaints about the adonis clinic. My cousin also had a bad experience with. She emailed them and asked about the information related to the treatment. But the clinic didn’t show any response to her. She was very disappointed by the behavior of the clinic. I hope she will find a better clinic. Best wishes to you also. God bless you.


    I am so sad Alina. This is so dismal. I can absolutely relate pal. I am likewise finding a decent facility. I am additionally a casualty of A****s facility. I have been confronting fruitlessness since most recent 5 years. It is so disappointing that I have attempted each conceivable treatment yet nothing worked. My uterus isn’t sufficiently accommodating to help a pregnancy. My DH endeavoured to persuade me for selection. In any case, being an embraced youngster I needed to have a natural tyke. Our specialists proposed us to go for surrogacy. Here in Germany, we don’t have a reasonably decent facility. Numerous individuals disclosed to us that we ought to go to this facility as their treatment is modest and of good quality. We continued messaging A****s facility for a considerable length of time, however, didn’t get a solitary reaction. Its very amateurish and I am exceptionally crushed by this conduct.


    Dear Alina,I am sorry to hear about your condition.I was devastated to hear about infertility but with cardiac issue also.I can only pray that you have your deserved happiness.I am an infertile also so i can understand some of your feelings.I have been married for 8 years and have been TTC. But luck has not been on our side.I had 3 miscarriages and was diagnosed with infertility.I had lost hope and had given up on happiness.But few months back a friend of ours told us about surrogacy treatment.We were amazed to hear about it and excited.We searched for it and found a clinic in Ukraine named A****s.We contacted them and asked them about general information and procedures.we were just shocked on how the responded to us.Their communication was poor and unprofessional.We have been mailing them for weeks but they dont bother to respond to it.I am disappointed with them but i have not lost hope would ask you not to lose hope also.There will be shining light for us.


    Hey, I hope you are well. This is really upsetting and worrying. I hope things get better. I have been through a very similar situation. A few months back when I was founding a clinic. I got so excited that I emailed almost every clinic I got to know about. There was this one clinic I remember that replied almost after 1 month. The reply was shocking! Mainly because I had emailed them twice and thrice explaining everything and had also mentioned that it was a matter of urgency. Anyways, the reply was that they asked me about the reason for my infertility. I calmly explained everything again. The next reply was that we are sorry we don’t do surrogacy until the patient has been through 5 IVFs. I was honestly disappointed by this attitude. Anyways, I stopped emailing them. I was able to find a much better clinic who was caring and considerate.


    Hey there Alina. How are you doing? I hope its all good. I am really glad to hear from you. It’s great that you shared your experience with us. It might save a lot of people. These clinics are getting out of hand. Spamming and scamming people. They are playing with emotions. They need to learn their lesson. I hope they are embarrassed. I hop thing gets better for you. I wish you lots of good luck. take care and be careful. Lots of love.


    I had a number of complications while getting pregnant. I was trying very hard to be pregnant. But i never succeed. After 16 years of TTC. I conceived for the first time. But i miscarried. Then again i was pregnant for 2 more times. But again i miscarried. My husband left me. I was in a great depression. i quit my job and lost everything. Now i am married for the second time. Now i am going for surrogacy to have a baby. I contacted a clinic named lotus for surrogacy. But the clinic never responded. I mailed them again and again but they didn’t reply. They are just here to waste the time of others. Be careful about this clinic.


    Omg. That’s so sad. I can’t believe it. People should be ashamed. They should be responsible. Afterall they’re running a business. A sensitive one. Nobody should play with anyone’s feelings. Try other clinics. Someone professional this time. You’ll get better results. Much Love. Take Care. Peace. ♥


    Hello. Hope you are well. Sorry that you had to experience this. No one deserves such treatment It is utterly disappointing. You are not the only one who was treated this way. So many people posted their reviews. They talked about this. They were treated the same way. Thank you for sharing this review here. Hope it helps prevent people from having an experience like this. keep looking girl. I hope you find a better clinic soon. Make sure it is a reliable one this time.


    Hello Alina! Hope you are doing fine at your end. Please accept my deepest condoelnces. Infertility is no doubt unbearable. But you are a very strong woman. You are facing two problems side by side. All it takes courage to live happy and positive life. I am so sorry for your disappointments. Actually, I was facing the same problems. But I was lucky like you, my husband supported me very well. He searched for a clinic in Europe. That clinic treated me very well. I’ve chosen IVF. My first attempt was successful. I wish no one have to face disappointments and bad experiences. Everything will be better. may the odds be in your favour. You should consult that clinic. You’ll never be disappointed. Good luck.


    Hello! Alina, I felt sad to know about your situation you are going through And I think you are not the one who is suffering from this problem So you don’t need to worried about. There are many treatments available for infertility in this world where the medical field is expanding new procedures. it’s not the end of the world. I can’t believe that Adonis can do this. Their attitude is quite unethical. Adonis does not care about the person who has some hopes for them but they do not know there are also many other professional clinics available. Be thankful that you didn’t get stuck with Adonis. But stay strong everything will be fine soon. Best wishes.


    Hey! I’m so sad about the end result for you. The organization of A****s is so ridiculous. They couldn’t care less about the agony of barren ladies. I messaged them as well however abandoned them genuine soon . Cause I understood that they are tricksters. However, I should state shouldn’t treat their patients like that. I mean this is simply silly . They have to work in their organization else they will be mindful about the conditions. Be that as it may, remain solid women . Try not to lose trust . We will get past this . Much love and support to your direction. Trusting there is no reason to worry. Stay strong. All the best

    Alice Blake

    Hello there. I am infertile too. I had nothing in my life. I felt so lonely. I felt like being infertile was my own fault. I then trusted a scam clinic. They stopped picking up my calls and replying to my emails. It was traumatic. Thank God, I got to know about this clinic. I was so happy when i found it. I then had my surrogacy there. I have a beautiful child now.

    Iris Watson

    Hey, hope you are doing well. I am iris here. I am sorry to hear about your bad experience. It is so relatable. I also contacted a clinic L***s for my surrogacy few months back. I found about them on social media. I got their email address and emailed them. I emailed them for two months in a row on daily basis. But they didn’t responded at all. I got so disappointed and depressed. I have left finding clinics now. I don’t have courage to face failures again. I am done with my life. Infertility has been cursed my life for so long. And it seems that this curse will remain with me for life. Beware of such scammers guys. they are only making money. they are trash. I a never gonna contact them again. And will suggest you all to beware of them also. And do pray for me. I am so done with my life.


    Oh dear! I am really so shocked to hear this. Yeah, it wrong to despoil the money of people. I mean are they out of their senses. I had Seen the same case So I want to explain in this forum only for your awareness is the sad story of my friend. She was declared infertile due to cancer of she decides to choose another way. For this, she consults with a clinic and it is Adonis. They made her clearly that they would sort out her problem. She paid money and all went very well at the start. After some days when she goes to their clinic. They do not give the good response to her. Her process For IVF was delayed by saying her that she is not ready for this process. She waits for her treatment for one month but they extended dates. At last, they stop giving her any response. she becomes so disturbed due to their rude behavior. Then she terminates her consultation with that, please guys don’t take such decision which makes you disturbed. Always think about what is good and pure for you. So please be attentive.

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