ClayJones replied to the topic Surrogacy Benefits in the forum Independent Surrogacy 6 years, 2 months ago
Yes, Trisha. What you are saying is really true. I am really glad to hear from you. I hope things are going great. Surrogacy is really a life-changing experience. For the surrogate and the intended parents both. It takes a; lot to agree on it. There are a lot of emotions attached. Surrogates are one of the strongest women. Their job is to put…[Read more]
ClayJones replied to the topic Adoption problems in the forum Family Life 6 years, 2 months ago
Hey there Elizabeth. This is really horrible. Treating a child like that how could nay parents do that. I hope you are doing great. You turned out to be a wonderful woman. You are really strong. It’s great that even after so much trouble you fought your way. Surrogacy is really an amazing thing. It helps people everywhere. It’s so nice to hear…[Read more]
ClayJones replied to the topic Stay away from such clinics in the forum Getting Started 6 years, 2 months ago
Hey there Amelia. You are doing a really an amazing job. The amount of heat adonis has broken is uncountable. There are a lot of parents sharing their stories online. This has to come under some light. Such people are a curse to society. I hope no one falls for them. Good luck to all of you.
ClayJones replied to the topic Surrogacy Advice in the forum Getting Started 6 years, 2 months ago
hey there Amelia. I hope everything is great. I am really happy that you suggesting people this. Surrogacy is really amazing. I have had it myself. I wish people give it a chance. I wish you all good luck. Please be strong and give surrogacy a chance.
ClayJones replied to the topic bad experience in the forum International Surrogacy 6 years, 2 months ago
Hey there Meggy. I hope everything is good. Lotus is really a terrible place to go to. I hope she is alright now. Please be aware of such scams. There are a lot of people talking about them on forums. I wish her good luck. Please give her all the support she needs. take care and prayers for you.
ClayJones replied to the topic Bad Experience in the forum Getting Started 6 years, 3 months ago
Hey there Alina. How are you doing? I hope its all good. I am really glad to hear from you. It’s great that you shared your experience with us. It might save a lot of people. These clinics are getting out of hand. Spamming and scamming people. They are playing with emotions. They need to learn their lesson. I hope they are embarrassed. I hop thing…[Read more]
ClayJones replied to the topic Bad Experience in the forum Surrogacy Agencies 6 years, 3 months ago
Hey there Dear. How are you doing? I hope its all great. I am really sorry to hear about this. I know it must be really hard. Why do people keep falling for these clinics? They are just scammers. They keep spamming. They had tons of negative reviews. They are very well known for it. I hope you don’t fall for such clinics again. I wish you good…[Read more]
ClayJones replied to the topic Surrogacy in the forum Adoption Agencies 6 years, 3 months ago
Hey there Dear. How are you doing? I hope its all great. I get what you are saying. Surrogacy is really a blessing. However it can be abused as well. Many cities are using it the wrong way. It is really helpful for a lot of people. It is a wonderful thing. However, a check and balance are very important. Clinic also plays very vital role. I had…[Read more]
ClayJones replied to the topic Surrogacy and law in the forum Contracts, Insurance & Legal 6 years, 4 months ago
Hey there Trisha. Hwoo are you doing? I hope its all great. I am really happy to hear from you. This is really a good post. Thanks for this. It will help a lot. You sure know a lot. I do agree with you. Most of the negative cases are due to people finding shortcuts. I hope people learn to take the right route. For the sake of themselves. I wish…[Read more]
ClayJones replied to the topic Surrogates in the forum Contracts, Insurance & Legal 6 years, 4 months ago
Hey there Dear. How re you doing? I hope its all great. I am really glad to see this. You made some solid points. I agree with you. Surrogacy is really a great thing. Surrogates go through a lot fo us. They re really blessed people. It’s not about the money. Those cases are very rare. even though only is really an important part. I hope everyone…[Read more]
ClayJones replied to the topic Intro in the forum Budgeting & Financial 6 years, 4 months ago
Hey there Olivia. How are you doing? I hope its all great. I am really sorry to hear about your problem. I know how hard it must be for you guys. You people look very strong. Surrogacy is a blessing. I have had it too. Its very safe and secure. It will give you your happi9ness. I am sure. I wish you get what you want. Lots of love for you. Please…[Read more]
ClayJones replied to the topic Surrogacy and expenses in the forum Budgeting & Financial 6 years, 4 months ago
Hey there Gina. how are you doing? I hope its all great. I am really happy to hear from you. You are welcome here. I know how hard it is to deal with infertility. I know how hard it gets. I have been there too. Surrogacy is really a blessing. It is a hard choice to take too. Surrogates are really selfless people. They do a lot for you. They bear a…[Read more]
ClayJones replied to the topic Tell us about your IVF in the forum Getting Started 6 years, 4 months ago
Hi there Felica. How are you doing? I hope its all great. IVF is a good procedure. Very helpful for women with PCOS. However, it is not an easy process. It can also take a lot of tries. However, it is one of the best choices infertile women can make. It has a high success rate. Mostly depends on the conditions. I hope you make the right choice. I…[Read more]
ClayJones replied to the topic Afraid To Go For Surrogacy in the forum Transfer 6 years, 4 months ago
Hey, there friend. I had a similar problem. I know you must be feeling really low. However please don’t give up. Be strong. Everything will work out. I had a hysterectomy. Then I had surrogacy and I am really glad I went for it. I wish you good luck. Take care of a lot of love for you.
ClayJones replied to the topic 40+ and Pregnant in the forum Baby On The Way 6 years, 4 months ago
Hey there Trisha. How are you doing? I hope its all great. I am really happy to hear about it. don’t you worry. Everything will be fine. Just be hopeful. Don’t stress yourself. maybe it was the natures call. It’s time to have your child. Go for it if you are confident. And be confident. I hope to hear more soon. Take care. Love and support.
ClayJones replied to the topic Surrogacy Clinics in the forum Getting Started 6 years, 4 months ago
Hey there. How is everything going? I hope its all good. I am really sorry for her experience. We should always do our research. They are putting other good clinics to shame as well. I hope no one falls for it. Thanks for informing. Good luck. Love and support to all of you.
ClayJones replied to the topic Surrogacy in the forum Independent Surrogacy 6 years, 5 months ago
Hey there Akira. How are you doing? I hope you are doing great. I am really sorry to hear about your situation. You are really strong that you are doing all this. Good luck. Take care.
ClayJones replied to the topic TTC and Surrogacy in the forum International Surrogacy 6 years, 5 months ago
Hey there Olivia. Glad to hear from you. You have come to the right place. How are things nowadays? I hope they are well. I am really sorry to hear about your problem. I know it must have been hard. What you have gone through is really saddening. I wish I could take away everything. However, you are really strong that you survived all this. Now…[Read more]
ClayJones replied to the topic Dreaming of a Baby in the forum Surrogacy Agencies 6 years, 5 months ago
Hey there Olivia. I am glad to hear from you. How are you doing? I hope its all well. I am really sorry that you will have to go for surrogacy. I know its a hard choice. I ha=ve made it years ago. Now I am a mother of two boys. I am really happy with my choice. Never felt the opposite. I hope you stay strong. Be positive itll work out. I wih you…[Read more]
ClayJones replied to the topic Surrogacy last Hope in the forum Getting Started 6 years, 5 months ago
Hey there. How are you doing? I hope ist all great. I am really sorry to hear about your problem. I know it must be hard. I wish you good luck. Surrogacy is really a blessing. Be strong and go for it. take care. Good luck.
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