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Regards Lotus Clinic

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    Hi. I hope things are good at your end. I am so sad to hear about your infertility. Patients like you and me are already going through much. Then, this response of the clinics comes. This is terrible. How can they have such a responsibility towards their patients? I heard Ukraine has got some good clinics for this purpose. But, I regret my decision. The Lotus Clinic behaved with me in the same way. It was a matter of urgency. I had to decide my future plan according to what they had to say. But, There was never any reply. This makes me frustrated already. I hope people read these experiences. They don’t have to go through the same.


    I am extremely sorry to hear about your experience. This must have been heartbreaking. It is not just emotionally draining but also physically. Life seems to get even more meaningless. Therefore, this type of behavior from a clinic disappoints me. It’s more like they don’t understand the pain the infertile couple is going through. No one should be this irresponsible. There are many other places available for this thing. I am sure they’ll reply faster. They’ll help you more. Everything will be alright for you. Just try to take good care of yourself Anyways, you don’t lose hope!


    This is so terrible. I feel bad for you. Why are they doing this? This is so unfair. Don’t they realize that people are in so much trouble? They are facing so many difficulties. These clinics are their last hopes. If they will be betrayed so badly, they will stop trusting clinics. I am extremely sad to know about Lotus clinic. I have been reading a few posts lately about it. Honestly, it is very wrong. You should be very careful, dear. There are many reputable clinics that you can go to. Don’t be mad on these losers. Hope u find a good clinic. And be a mother of a healthy child. Best of luck.


    Hey Angelina. How are you doing? Well, you guys are lucky that you did not go for a Lotus clinic. It is totally scam and fraud. Dear, my friend surrogacy has been failed miserably due to staff neglection and their inexperience. You should switch your clinic. Wish you best of luck.

    Julia Christine

    Hey Angelina! Hope so you will be fine. As you are going for surrogacy. So be aware of the scams. Some of the clinics like Adonis are spammers. I think the clinic that you are talking about maybe included in this list. So choose that clinic that has high success rates. Also, consult with some of the doctors regarding this.
    My sympathies


    I think it is a horrible situation. While searching for a good clinic for my sister I came across several such reviews. It is a tough thing to find the perfect clinic. Once you see the clinic, if you face this it is horrifying. The first impression comes from the initial correspondence. If they are so unresponsive now then how would they react later? I would suggest keeping away from such scams.

    Jessica fields

    This is not new. Many people have reported same incidents. I think they don’t want new people. They have earned enough maybe. Or probably they are a scam. My Gay friend emailed then. After waiting for 4 months. They bothered to reply. Do you know what was the reply? After wasting his 4 months, they said they don’t cater to gay couples. I mean hello? Which century are you living in? I hate Lotus for doing this. My friend lost his self-esteem. The way the email was written. It was not at all polite.

    Alsa Markle

    I am so astonished to know about Lotus clinic. I mean this is the 10th post I am reading against the clinic. How can a clinic do this? How can they play with feelings of others? If they are so irresponsible then why are they opened? They are just making money and fooling people for it. A couple is so heartless and so depressed when it goes to the clinic for suggestions. But clinics like these betray people, waste their time and efforts. The similar is the case with Adonis clinic. I had such a bad experience. Their doctors are too rude and least interested in solving the problems. All they want is just the damn money.


    Yes dear. I also experienced this issue. I will recommend you to just leave it here. And try to find another clinic for your surrogacy. Surrogacy is a great option but I am sure this clinic will ruin your life. In case, if they contact you back. They will treat you in such a way that you won’t be able to believe any other clinic in future. Like I do. But my husband was very supportive. He stands by my side and helped me to find another clinic. Now I am the successful mother of a surrogate child. Good luck to you too. Waiting for your precious reply.


    That’s really unprofessional. I have heard more about such. And I believe that something is alarming that we all have to consider. Each one should share their real-life experience and let individuals know that they should be aware of all such things. Many individuals have suffered much in their life and they don’t deserve more mess in their life anyhow. They should take every step with all the consideration. You should consider each and every single advice to be very crucial. And that’s very important.


    Well. There are so many peoples who are suffering from different diseases. Doctors will work hard on these diseases, that how can we handle it easily. Developed countries will find the way to give a treatment properly and easily. This is the good news for all the patients as well. Then, my neighbour is suffering from infertility. She cannot try ever to get a treatment from the clinc. But when she hear the doctors research, she came to my home and said to take a treatment from good clinic. Then, we fisrtly try to send the emails to the L****s clinic for take a information about the charges of treatment. But they didn’t reply of our any single message. Then, she becomes very disappointed. She go back to the darkness and stay hopeless about the treatment.

    Shelby Ashton

    Yes, you are not alone in it angelina. I had the same experience with this clinic L***s. My infertility journey is way longer than yours. I got married to my husband 10 years back. And i have been facing infertility for 8 years. I also decided for surrogacy few months back. And i found this clinic L***s on internet. My husband asked me to contact them first. As we live in Uk so it was hard for us to visit the clinic in a person. And we wanted to know about their packages and policies. But they showed such insensitive behavior. We waited for them to reply for two months. And that wait was so long and hard for us. And i feel so disappointed to see that they are breaking many hopes and hearts. Such clinics must be banned. All they are spreading disappointments and hopelessness among people. and they have no right ti play with emotions like this. This is such a disgusting act.

    Sarah hazal

    Hey Angelina, Really sorry to hear about your infertility. I have been seeing a lot of women suffering from infertility. But I guess the situation gets worse when the clinics don’t really cooperate. Or the ones which mistreat you. That’s where the problem lies basically. There are amazing clinics out there doing their jobs with amazingly which needs to be praised honestly. I have come across a lot of bad reviews and posts regarding different clinics and this one is all above in the list. That’s just disappointing to know that still, they haven’t managed to be a bit professional or act like one. I believe that these clinics really discourage people and their hopes fade away by this attitude. I suggest you go to some other clinic. Im glad that people like you share your experiences here and people get the guidance and information. I hope this post will help people so that they can be cautious and aware of such scams and bunch of unprofessional.


    Dear, don’t be depressed because of scammers. They are the real scammer. They never reply to anyone. So just move on. And try some other clinics. Eastern Europe is actually a hub of infertility treatments. You will get the best clinics there. There is a famous clinic there. They have the most successful stories. I know you must be hurt. But you need to be very strong. I was in the same boat. Decide this clinic which I have told you. They give guaranteed results. They are amazing. Their doctors are so professional. I love their treatments But the choice is all yours. Take care.

    Nathalie Hill

    My friend did, a year or so ago. She was looking for a clinic to start her journey. It was the worst clinic to contact. They were not responding to her. It was very saddening to her. As she had sent the reports, she thought the worse. I am glad she did not continue dwelling on the clinic.

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