Alsa Markle

  • Alsa Markle replied to the topic A dark end in the forum Getting Started 6 years ago

    Hello dear, I feel sorry for what happened. But the best thing is that it happened. You don’t need to think of it. Rather, focus on the upcoming things. You need to find a better clinic now. Don’t trust any clinic too early. Take time, do research and then visit them. I hope you get across with the best in the future. Sending you lots of wishes.…[Read more]

  • Alsa Markle replied to the topic Bad Experience in the forum Getting Started 6 years ago

    Hello dear, I hope you are doing good. I can feel the pain. You are right. None gave them the right to fool us. You shouldn’t get sad. Life doesn’t end here. There are many good clinics. You can go there. Try to read the reviews first. As you know there are good and bad too. The world is full of both. You have to keep your eyes open to distinguish…[Read more]

  • Alsa Markle replied to the topic Suggestions in the forum Baby On The Way 6 years ago

    Hello dear, I can see the strong desire in your words. But I am sad that it is still difficult for you to conceive after the second marriage. But don’t be sad. It happens sometimes. You should consult a good doctor. He will tell you the reason behind it. Do try alternatives. I hope they work for you.

  • Alsa Markle replied to the topic Worst clinics. in the forum Getting Started 6 years ago

    Hello dear, I really felt sad to know what happened. But life doesn’t end here. It was your first try. Don’t blame yourself. It is not your fault if a clinic dumped you. You have to continue your struggle. Because a baby is your priority. There are many good clinics. You can seek one of them. But don’t stop here. Everyone gets the fruit of its…[Read more]

  • Alsa Markle replied to the topic Need suggestions! in the forum Getting Started 6 years ago

    Hy dear, I hope you are in your great health. Infertility is a bumpy ride. Nowadays, most of the woman are facing it. It is getting difficult for them. But thanks to science. It has introduced a lot of alternatives for us. They are solving our problems better. IVF and surrogacy are the basic options for the infertile couple. Your friend shouldn’t…[Read more]

  • Alsa Markle replied to the topic A dark end in the forum Getting Started 6 years ago

    Hello, I hope you are in your good health. This is part of life. You have to make yourself enough strong to face all this. Don’t be soft in front of the world. They will betray you. Keep faith in fate. It must have decided best for you. It will reach to you on time.

  • Alsa Markle replied to the topic Need Suggestions in the forum Getting Started 6 years ago

    I hope you are in your good health. I don’t know much about this shape of the uterus. But I must say that surrogacy will definitely help you. It is as normal as the natural pregnancy. Only you have to find a right surrogate for you. She will keep your baby in her womb. You have to fulfill some legal requirements too. Best of luck dear.

  • Alsa Markle replied to the topic What to do in the forum Getting Started 6 years ago

    Hey dear, I hope you are doing well. I really felt sorry for your bad experience. Don’t stop trying. You will get to the best by trying the bad ones. There will come many bad clinics but you have to keep open your eyes. You have to seek the best one for you. You shouldn’t lose hope. This is the part of life. Life is the name of ups and downs. You…[Read more]

  • Alsa Markle replied to the topic Need suggestions! in the forum Getting Started 6 years ago

    Hey dear, I hope you are doing well. I wish you many wishes. I know TTC is a difficult journey. But the thing that makes me happy is that you have decided to struggle. Choosing surrogacy would be right for you. It has more success rate. And I am sure it would lead to success. You would have your own baby.

  • Alsa Markle replied to the topic don't lose hope in the forum Getting Started 6 years ago

    Dear, I am glad that you thought of surrogacy. Surrogacy is a wonderful thing. I am happy that you chose it. It will definitely a successful experience for you. Many infertile couples are opting for it. I know a woman diagnosed with PCOS will find life really difficult. But don’t lose hope. Life is the name of ups and downs. You need to face it…[Read more]

  • Alsa Markle replied to the topic Bad Experience in the forum Surrogacy Agencies 6 years ago

    Hy dear, I hope you didn’t get much hurt. Thanks a lot for sharing your experience with us. I have been facing the same at their clinic. First, they delayed a reply to my emails. For more than 2 months, I didn’t get a reply from them. On my visit, they didn’t attend me nicely. There was negativity all around. And everything was a mess. The doctors…[Read more]

  • Alsa Markle replied to the topic Bad Experience in the forum Surrogacy Agencies 6 years ago

    Hy dear, I hope you didn’t get much hurt. Thanks a lot for sharing your experience with us. I have been facing the same at their clinic. First, they delayed a reply to my emails. For more than 2 months, I didn’t get a reply from them. On my visit, they didn’t attend me nicely. There was negativity all around. And everything was a mess. The doctors…[Read more]

  • Hey all, as you know I had 3 miscarriages in the last 2 years. And this time is the most difficult time of my life. Every time I conceive my pregnancy ends into the miscarriage. I can’t get the reason for such happening. I have concerned many good doctors. They have declared me infertile. But I can’t have the power to accept this harsh reality. I…[Read more]

  • Dear, I can feel the confusion. I have gone from all this. I know deciding a clinic is very difficult. But I will say that take more time to find the best clinic. Because you can’t trust a clinic blindly. I am also infertile and it was difficult for me too. But the clinic in Europe helped me a lot. They told me about surrogacy and they also had a…[Read more]

  • Yes, you are absolutely right. I know that infertility is not an easy thing to be handled. The people which are facing this only understands. Infertility makes you weak day by day. It finishes with you. But only a supportive environment and love can help to face it. I know all this because I am also an infertile woman. And life had been doing…[Read more]

  • Hello everyone, I hope everything is going well in your lives. Well, I just wanted to share my sorrows with you. And wanted to have some suggestions. I am 43. And had 3 miscarriages. Well, the last one was the most difficult one to handle and admit. Because that miscarriage made me infertile. Yes, I lost the baby in a road accident. I was so near…[Read more]

  • Hey beautiful! Thank you so much for sharing all this with us. I know what it feels when you get this news. I am happy that surrogacy worked for you. We all know that surrogacy is just amazing. It is doing wonders all over the world. It only gives the happiness. I am glad that you also found a good surrogate for you. Let me know about this clinic…[Read more]

  • Hello everyone, I hope everyone is fine. I wanted to share my journey with you. Last year I had a miscarriage in a car accident. This accident took my everything, my baby and my fertility too. Doctors have declared me infertile completely. I am very incomplete without my child. Everyone says that I will be ok with time. But I know that I won’t…[Read more]

  • Alsa Markle started the topic Surrogacy. in the forum Egg Donation 6 years, 2 months ago

    Hello everyone, I just wanted to share the positive side of surrogacy. Surrogacy is a blessing. It is doing wonders. Surrogacy is not giving children to couples of different sex but to individuals and same-sex too. It is banned in some countries which are not a good thing. But along with this many countries have opened its ways too. I was also…[Read more]

  • Hey, I feel sorry for you. I can’t believe that every second post is against this clinic. How can a clinic be so irresponsible? Please, I advice so all no to visit a clinic without reading its review. Yes, lotus clinic is a scam. They waste your money and time. They are just looting people. Their work is just to make money. Be careful and stay…[Read more]

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