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  • This topic has 40 replies, 38 voices, and was last updated 6 years ago by Anonymous.
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    Alsa Markle

    Hello everyone, I hope everyone is fine. I wanted to share my journey with you. Last year I had a miscarriage in a car accident. This accident took my everything, my baby and my fertility too. Doctors have declared me infertile completely. I am very incomplete without my child. Everyone says that I will be ok with time. But I know that I won’t stand now. But I want a child now. I don’t know of much alternatives. Suggest me a good clinic. Maybe this will work for me. Your suggestions will be admired. I need positive suggestions. Maybe positivity makes me strong.


    Sorry to hear about your accident. I live in Bulgaria where surrogacy is prohibited.
    I heard there are many clinics for infertility treatment in Ukraine.
    I read about many clinics there from these forums.
    I have found BioTexCom clinic from Ukraine.People talk mostly about this clinic.
    I will contact this clinic and will consult them about my problem.
    Surrogacy is very popular there so i guess i will also have a baby from surrogacy.
    I am also in the same condition.
    I can’t get pregnant and i don’t know the reason for it too.
    The doctors are also unable to find the reason for this.
    I have gone through extensive testings but the doctors are also unable to find the main cause for my infertility.
    They can’t tell the main problem.
    I have been trying to conceive from last 10 years now.
    But still i didn’t conceived.
    As doctors can’t tell the main cause of my infertility i guess i will go for surrogacy now.


    There are very good clinics regarding surrogacy as i’m sharing my experience with all of you.
    For now i have convinced mt husband to go for surrogacy and he is ready too.
    I contacted a clinic for surrogacy method and they responded very well to my questions.
    I suggest you to go for this clinic and atleast you should contact them and share your problem with them so that they can propose a better solution for you.
    As they suggested surrogacy option for us.
    Now they are looking for a good woman for our baby who can carry our baby in her womb for 9 months.
    They will find a good female with all clear tests so that we don’t have to face any issue later.

    Felicia Saz

    That is just horrible. Sorry to hear about your accident and your miscarriage. I know nothing can make up for it. But you gotta be strong. There’s this great clinic in Ukraine that offers surrogacy. You should consider going there. Hope it helps.


    I am so sorry to hear about your story. It is just saddening. I have no idea what you might be going through. But stay strong. TTC. Try talking to your husband about this, he will guide you. Be positive. Just don’t lose hope. Life isn’t easy. But try to stay happy.


    Hi there. I am so sorry about your accident dear. It is so sad that it resulted in your miscarriage and infertility. Sometime life just plays with us in the worst ways imaginable. I really feel for you. And i have to tell you. You are such a strong and inspirational woman. I have read so many stories of omen giving up and not moving on with their plans. You are truly inspirational. There are so many fertility clinics all over the world. They deal in IVF and surrogacy. Before any of us can refer you a clinic you need to decide what do you plan on going with. Though both are amazing treatments. Each one has its pros and cons as well. I have been hearing so much about surrogacy in Ukraine lately though. I think it is an amazing option.


    Hello, I am deeply sorry to hear about your miscarriage and your car accident. I hope you are okay. I know it hurts a lot and the frustration just kills. I hope you find a good clinic. There are many good clinics in Europe I think you should look into them. My cousin followed surrogacy and it really worked for her pretty smoothly. and it was not expensive either

    Alice Blake

    Hello there. How are you? I am so sorry for what you went through. I am infertile. So I am opting for surrogacy now. Ukraine is very popular regarding surrogacy. There are many infertility clinics in Ukraine. The surrogacy rates in Ukraine are much less than the surrogacy rates in other countries. I have read alot about surrogacy as i have to go for surrogacy to have a baby. I read on many forums that many infertile couples went to Ukraine to have a baby and it was successful. I will go there. I hope you have a successful journey. Take care. Lots of love.


    Alysa Markle, why are you getting worried? I am really apologetic to hear your story. but beloved I think that you should be brave and daring. Our society doesn’t accept the slacker people. So be brave and try to face the challenges of your life bravely and audaciously. I admit that it’s difficult for you to do now but I think you should punish the car driver. Who get from you the whole cheerfulness of your life. you should send him to jail. Maybe he is doing so by his immorality. So, take up an action dear. You know usually, car accidents are occurred due to the negligence of the car driver. I think first you should take some rest then you should appointment some clinic. It’s really very hard for you to visit any clinic now. When you are totally preserved and relax then you can contact us then. We are always extant for you to help.


    Hello Elsa dear! I am really sorry for your losses. May you be comforted by the love surrounding you. You are not alone here. Many other women are with you in the same boat. I know it’s difficult to tackle with infertility. But you are really a brave lady. You just make out of it and thinking in a positive way. Of course, there are many other options you can opt for having a bay. IVF is one of them . I am the mother of twins through IVF treatment. My first attempt was successful. The clinic in Europe treated me very well that I didn’t have to face more griefs. You must not lose hope and consult that clinic. Sending you best wishes. Take care.


    Hey Alsa, Hope you are doing well now. Your situation seems so heart wrenching. How can a woman held onto the fact that she cannot have her own child to bear? Really that shatters her. But you must know that this is all natural/Nothing or nobody has any hand in doing so. This could have happened to anybody. You are just not that lucky. Well speaking from a reference. I have a friend who had been going to Europe for the same procedure twice. She got her children twice. And became the happiest twice. She has recommended these clinics in Europe to everybody who was in trouble. I am speaking on her behalf as I found them equally top class as well. Their packages are really reasonable according to what they offer. They even offer unlimited tries until you succeed. So one way or another you are going to come back with a baby for sure. I hope you got my point. Best of luck. My best wishes to all of you

    Martina John

    Hey Alsa Markle! Hope so you will be fine. I felt so sorry to know about the situation you have faced. You spent a very hard time. But don’t lose hope. I would like to explain such alternate methods. It includes surrogacy or IVF. In this both the process, the formation of the embryo takes place outside the body and later it is injected into the uterus of the intended mother in IVF and into the third mother in surrogacy for further growth and development. Both of them are really helpful. There are some clinics in Europe that are best regarding such treatments. I think you should consult them. I hope it will be fruitful for you
    All my sympathies are with you


    Hello Elsa dear! I am really sorry for your losses. May you be comforted by the love surrounding you. You are not alone here. Many other women are with you in the same condition. I know it’s difficult to tackle with infertility. But you are really a brave lady. All you need to gather your hopes and strength. You just make out of it and thinking in a positive way. Of course, there are many other options you can opt for having a bay. IVF is one of them. I am the mother of twins through IVF treatment. My first attempt was successful. The clinic in Europe treated me very well that I didn’t have to face more griefs. You must not lose hope and consult that clinic. You can Dm me for further details. Sending you best wishes. Take care.

    Mrs Mcguill

    I am so sorry to hear about the accident. It must be really hard to lose your baby. And then your fertility too. What you said about being positive is right. You need to be very strong. And you need to have a lot of hope. Do not give up. Wishing you happiness in the future.


    HI Alsa. How are you doing now? Well, it’s a lie that everything will get better with a time. Because infertility is the thing which never let women move forward. As I have also gone through infertility I know its never been easy for women to live a normal life. But dear it does not mean that you become hopeless. Keep trying and keep hoping. One day my husband came to know about the treatment of surrogacy. We immediately discuss with our doctor. The doctor gave us a suggestion to at least try for it. Luckily we had a baby through surrogacy and we are living a happy life now.

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