
  • Hey Olivia, I am really sorry to hear about your miscarriages. I have had one too. It is really painful to know whenever it happens. I am deeply sorry. But yeah surrogacy have saved so many lives from being frustrated and depressed. I am glad to see surrogacy prosper all around the world now. I had been declared infertile by doctors so I opted for…[Read more]

  • Infertility clinics really are supposed to provide the hopes and success for the infertile parents. It is really a sensitive thing. Infertility brings along frustration, anxiety, and depression. I know because I have been through this and I have been a victim of infertility and the Adonis clinic. I emailed the Lotus, about the details because a…[Read more]

  • Hey, it’s completely fine to be afraid. But I have a few things you would like to know and that might end your fear too. I have heard surrogacy has the most success rates. I was declared infertile 3 years ago. you won’t believe I gave up everything I had. Everything made me sad. Everything made me frustrated. But I went through with it anyhow.…[Read more]

  • I am glad you had what you always wanted. Indeed surrogacy is amazing. you won’t believe I gave up everything I had. Everything made me sad. Everything made me frustrated. But I went through with it anyhow. Surrogacy was the only alternative I had. My DH was supportive of it as well. It was just my family that didn’t like the concept. But this was…[Read more]

  • Hello Felicia, I hope you’re doing good. I am happy to be of your aid. IVF has really good success rates which basically would depend upon the environment in which the embryos grow. Like sometimes women’s womb does not specifically complete the requirement an embryo needs to survive. In that case or may be other complications, the IVF may result…[Read more]

  • Rebecca replied to the topic My Journey! in the forum Getting Started 6 years, 7 months ago

    Hello, I am deeply sorry to hear about your miscarriage and your car accident. I hope you are okay. I know it hurts a lot and the frustration just kills. I hope you find a good clinic. There are many good clinics in Europe I think you should look into them. My cousin followed surrogacy and it really worked for her pretty smoothly. and it was not…[Read more]

  • Rebecca replied to the topic Surrogacy. in the forum Egg Donation 6 years, 7 months ago

    You are absolutely right, Surrogacy is indeed such a blessing and surrogates are such angels helping out other people and saving their lives, changing them from frustrating and sad to happy and amazing. It is really such a blessing. I wonder what I would have done if surrogacy didn’t exist.

  • Hello, Yes there are many other clinics in Europe because it is legal there. Try other clinics too you can contact them via emails and they would give you the complete package details with accommodations. My cousin got it done from there and it had a really good quality service and not much expensive as well. I hope you find what you are looking…[Read more]

  • Rebecca replied to the topic Surrogacy. in the forum Getting Started 6 years, 7 months ago

    Thank you so much for sharing this story with us Olivia. I really think surrogacy is a great option for this. I am TTC but I have set an alternative for when I’m done with all my hopes ill go for surrogacy probably. But let’s hope I don’t need to be in that phase. I hope your journey goes well. I have heard there are great clinics in Europe that…[Read more]

  • TTC is really very hard, I am also trying to conceive for almost 3 years now and no luck. I still wanna give it a try because I really want my own child just naturally without any procedures. but if that doesn’t happen and when I’m out of all hope I will have to find alternatives and choose from like surrogacy and IVF etc. Surrogacy is really good…[Read more]

  • Hey, I am so sorry to hear about your infertility. It is indeed such a frustrating issue. Anyhow, surrogacy will be good for you. It is the best possible option currently, in my opinion. I hope you find what you are looking for Lika. CHEERS!

  • Hey Angelina, how are you? I am sorry to hear about your infertility. I hope you’re coping with it well. This is such a sensitive issue and these clinics don’t even give a little attention to the people. I contacted Lotus too they replied so quick at first gave me all the pricing and stuff. but then when I emailed them again to know more details…[Read more]

  • I’m so sorry to hear that you suffer from infertility. But surrogacy sure is a blessing, isn’t it? I feel so happy for you that you are finally gonna get your baby. My baby is on its way too! Just to add on the information, I too decided to go with surrogacy and got it done 5 months ago. Cheers!

  • Hey, I just read your post. Yes, I have tried surrogacy. Back in 2015, I still remember it all, I was so depressed and frustrated when I was TTC. It surely is one of the most sensitive issues. it broke me down emotionally so bad but my husband was so supportive of it all. He is the reason I’m still here up and living. We tried surrogacy and…[Read more]

  • Rebecca became a registered member 6 years, 7 months ago