lidya replied to the topic Surrogacy ? in the forum Getting Started 6 years, 5 months ago
Hey hey! There is no need to take too much tension. I know you are feeling really bad. try convincing your husband. Taking too much tension is not going to help you to have a baby. By reading your story i think you are going through from a serious problem of infertility. It may cause serious problems for your health. Try to understand the…[Read more]
lidya replied to the topic Surrogacy is a gem in the forum Getting Started 6 years, 5 months ago
It’s good to hear this news, dear! Finally, you chose surrogacy. It is merely a blessing for people like you and me. However, I can’t help but feel excited about your journey. You’re definitely on the right track. I have no doubts that you will experience happiness. Infertility is a curse. But I’m glad you’ve found a way to get over it. Keep us u…[Read more]
lidya replied to the topic Stay away in the forum Getting Started 6 years, 5 months ago
This is awful. I am feeling very sad about you. My dear, think positive about the things happening around you. Adonis is the worst clinic. I heard of complaints and bad reviews about how they don’t reply to their potential clients. I’m so sorry you had to go through this. You shouldn’t have visited a clinic where people don’t bother even talking…[Read more]
lidya replied to the topic Surrogacy & MC & TTC in the forum Independent Surrogacy 6 years, 5 months ago
Yes, you are right. TTC is a very difficult job. I hope you are feeling well. You seem like a very strong person. Surrogacy is a beautiful procedure. I couldn’t conceive naturally because of hysterectomy so I talked to my doctor and he suggested me to go for surrogacy. I will also be opting for it soon.
lidya replied to the topic Children and Family in the forum Family Life 6 years, 5 months ago
Much thanks to you for offering your experience to us. Many individuals will profit by this. I hope an ever-increasing number of individuals think about it. I wish you bliss! Much love.
lidya replied to the topic I decided to help in the forum Independent Surrogacy 6 years, 7 months ago
Wow, you are doing a great job. This is so thoughtful of you. Thanks for the lovely post. People are scared of it mostly. Most of the times due to seeing cases like Baby M. It doesn’t happen all the time. Strict contracts are being signed between the two parties these days. The main key is finding a reliable surrogate. You cant really trust a…[Read more]
lidya replied to the topic Surrogates in the forum Contracts, Insurance & Legal 6 years, 7 months ago
Hey. I hope you are doing good. Giving birth to a baby is never easy. We really appreciate the efforts of the surrogates. It’s more difficult to give birth to someone else baby. Strict contracts are being signed between the two parties these days. The main key is finding a reliable surrogate. You can’t really trust anyone with your baby. You sho…[Read more]
lidya replied to the topic Surrogacy. in the forum Egg Donation 6 years, 7 months ago
This is just a great post. I am so glad to see this much positivity. I hope more and more people understand this. Surrogates should also be respected at every cost. They are literally angels for people like us. They are the real queens. Such people make us hopeful that we hold a beautiful future. Surrogacy is indeed a blessing.
lidya replied to the topic infertile in the forum Family Life 6 years, 7 months ago
Your friend seems to be a strong person but still, everybody must support her. give her hope. words are everything in this condition. especially her husband needs to stand by her side. by his words, she can recover very fast. I will pray for her. she will try again after recovering. god, bless everyone. good luck in her life. I hope someone guides…[Read more]
lidya replied to the topic surrogacy in the forum Getting Started 6 years, 7 months ago
There is a huge difference between surrogacy and adoption. You have cleared it out perfectly. Surrogacy is suitable for the people who want to have a child that is biologically theirs. This is not possible for adoption. A lot of people are okay with the kids not being associated with them biologically and they are okay with it, so they go for it.…[Read more]
lidya replied to the topic Blessings for IPs in the forum Getting Started 6 years, 7 months ago
Every woman is worthy of having kids. I’m really glad that doctors are doing their best to solve this issue. More and more infertile couples enter the surrogacy programs. My son was also born by the surrogate. That’s why I completely support this idea. It works and it is great. Every infertile couple should know that they have a solution. Wha…[Read more]
lidya replied to the topic TTC and Surrogacy in the forum International Surrogacy 6 years, 7 months ago
I’m sorry to hear about your struggle. I went through something similar. I had to go through hysterectomy due to endometrial thickness. So, I can definitely relate. I’m glad you’re going for surrogacy. I am also gonna opt for surrogacy. Still searching for a good clinic. It’s a great method. Good luck to you!
lidya replied to the topic this post is essentially about my experience with surrogacy. in the forum Getting Started 6 years, 7 months ago
I am glad after reading your post. All is well that ends well. Congratulations on your success. Surrogacy is the best option for all people who can’t carry their child or can’t get pregnant. You have been through a lot. But still stayed strong. Never lost hope. That’s amazing. You are one of the blessed ones. Your husband is a nice person. Having…[Read more]
lidya replied to the topic TTC and Surrogacy. in the forum International Surrogacy 6 years, 7 months ago
Surrogacy is the safe and the best method of having a baby for women like us.surrogacy is the most common method or way of having a child. I was also very stressed during my first conception as I had many complications while getting pregnant. I conceived for three times but always resulted in a miscarriage. Now I and my husband are thinking of…[Read more]
lidya replied to the topic I wish i had a biological child in the forum Egg Donation 6 years, 7 months ago
Hey there! deep inside we all want our biological child. You are correct. That does happen. How we adore all the moments where we get to know that we look alike our parents. That’s feels just so good. But destiny might drag you down where you got to use donor eggs. Everything happens for a reason. And we are fortunate that we have got such a t…[Read more]
lidya replied to the topic surrogacy ir IVF in the forum Getting Started 6 years, 7 months ago
Hello there, Surrogacy is one of the things that can help you solve all your problems. This will change your life for the better. It has changed the life of many people in our society. This will be very much good for you. You will be able to have your own child. People usually keep adoption as their last option. I wish you all the best in your decision.
lidya replied to the topic Benefits of becoming a surrogate in the forum Surrogacy Agencies 6 years, 7 months ago
Surrogates are great selfless human beings. It is hard to keep someone else’s baby inside your belly and then just give it up just like that. This is a very important post. Thank you so much for this. I found it very informative. You mentioned things about a surrogate that even I didn’t know. It is a truly noble act. I really appreciate it. Have a…[Read more]
lidya replied to the topic infertile in the forum Family Life 6 years, 7 months ago
Hi. I am sorry to hear about her condition. I know it is very difficult to go through all this. But she is so strong. During that time a person needs family support, it is good that you support your friend. I suggest to you that she should go for surrogacy. Many people here had positive experience regarding surrogacy. hope they will guide you.…[Read more]
lidya replied to the topic Surrogacy Experience in the forum Independent Surrogacy 6 years, 7 months ago
Thanks for sharing her experience. I am also looking for surrogacy. Surrogacy is very common today. I have been trying to TTC from last 3 years but I don’t have any luck with it. I went to many doctors for a checkup. I had a hysterectomy and after that, I gave up. Then a friend of mine told me about surrogacy. I found surrogacy to be a good…[Read more]
lidya replied to the topic Failed IVF in the forum Transfer 6 years, 7 months ago
Really it is the heaviest pain that someone could bear. It’s almost unbearable. I don’t know how she faced it. I always started shivering when I thought about my miscarriage and the pain I went through this pain. I am really worried about this. I hope you guys overcome this soon. I really don’t know what to say. I am really sorry for her loss…[Read more]
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