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Benefits of becoming a surrogate

Home Forums Surrogacy Surrogacy Agencies Benefits of becoming a surrogate

  • This topic has 32 replies, 30 voices, and was last updated 6 years ago by Ava.
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    Choosing to become a surrogate mother is a very selfless, benevolent act that primarily serves the baby and the couple or individual whom you are helping. But surrogacy has personal benefits for you as well! Going through pregnancy, childbirth, and this great act of service for another family is a truly character-building, life-enriching experience. Successfully completing a pregnancy alone has been known to instill a greater sense of accomplishment and confidence in surrogate mothers. Add to that the gratification of knowing you are making such a profound contribution to the world, and you may find a heightened sense of fulfillment, confidence, and satisfaction with your life choices. Women who choose to become surrogate mothers make friends for life, often viewing the baby they helped bring into the world along with the intended parents as a sort of second family. You form an unimaginable bond with these families you help along the way. Bringing a baby into the world is such an emotional, gratifying, and transcendent experience that you can’t help but connect with the people you are doing this with. You start by choosing the intended parents you wish to help, then visit and connect with them throughout the pregnancy, during labor and birth, and often maintain a connection throughout the baby’s growth.


    Hi there. How are you doing? I hope you are doing fine. We are doing good. I read your post. I totally agree. Surrogate mothers are angels. How they choose to help infertile couples is great. They are so brave. Giving up a kid is so hard. Going through 9 months of pregnancy is very hard. I am so grateful to the surrogate mother who gifted us with our daughter. She helped us complete our family. Thanks for this post. God bless.


    Finally after so long I saw a post over surrogates. It’s just so satisfying to read that at least someone considers these humans to be great women. I often say this thing to so many peoples. Who often questions how they could allow some other women to carry their child. What if she won’t return. What if she has a bad character. These what ifs have killed so many hopes. You have to understand that these women are no less than bless souls. They feel the pain of being infertile. I have watched videos over youtube where these women have to share their stories their lives. About what was the reason for becoming a surrogate. Many of them are blessed mothers. They have their own families. They just want to see each infertile woman happy and satisfied.


    hello. I’m so glad you put this up. this is the first most post I’ve seen about surrogate moms. indeed it is a selfless work to do. they deserve all the respect they deserve. lots of love for them. with should encourage such people. they are helping infertile parents a lot. nice key points are written. it was really informative. keep it up. take care. keep spreading love and support. bye. cant wait to see more of your posts.

    Jessica fields

    You are absolutely right. Being a surrogate is a noble act. Just one thing. Just don’t change your mind at the end of time. I mean IP’s get attached with the baby too. They tie hopes to it. Just don’t run away with the baby at the end time. I was reading about a case that happened at this clinic Lotus. The surrogate ran with the baby. It was so heartbreaking.


    Surrogate mothers are indeed the most down to earth people I have come across. They are willing to give birth to someone else’s child. For most of them, it must be so hard! As they have their own children to take care of as well. I remember a friend telling me how her surrogate always said that she just wanted to help them. As infertile couples to find someone with such good gesture is heart melting. I hope everyone is matched to a surrogate mother who is more than willing to help. Best of luck to all those who have opted for surrogacy.


    Yeah, sometimes it really makes me feel astonished that how someone could do that. It takes a lot of courage to do something like this. It’s really great gesture. I salute these persons. Whatever I say it is lesser than what one could say. In some cases, people have a fear that what if the surrogate wants to keep her baby. I mean how could you expect this from a person who is willing to do something this good for you. I think we should change this thing.


    I really appreciate those who do this for our happiness. I was an infertile woman. I have faced infertility for 10 years. I went for IVF as it was a good method to have babies. I chose a clinic Adonis. I thought it was a good clinic. I heard its success stories. The stories were very impressive. So I made my mind to go there. But it was opposite to what I thought. They were so unprofessional. I decided to g for clinic in Europe. They were so honest with us, Professional staff and everything was so amazing. I am happy that I chose that clinic.


    Surrogates are amazing women. I have huge respect for these ladies. They give the best happiness to a couple which no one can think of. Surrogates are a blessing to infertile couples. i am also infertile. I have contacted a clinic. The clinic has itself many surrogates. But they are looking for a good surrogate for our child. I think it will be a great experience for me.

    Lucy jones

    Hello there. How are you? I hope you are well. I completely agree with you. Being a surrogate is such a selfless thing to do. It is such a big sacrifice. Bringing a child into the world and not taking it home with you. Giving it to some other people. It is one of the biggest sacrifices ever. And it does help in building the character of a person. Making them stronger, wiser, giving. Hats off to all the surrogates out there. Much love to all of them.


    I am an infertile woman. I have confronted infertility for a long time. I went for IVF. I am 40 now I have faced failed cycles of IVF. I picked a clinic, Lotus. I thought it was a suitable clinic for me. They were so unprofessional and ignorant. They were not taking us seriously. This all frightened me. But Now I am making my mind to go for surrogacy to Europe. My husbands decided that we should go there. I am so happy now.

    Felicia Saz

    Hi. This is a very important post. Thank you so much for this. I found it very informative. You mentioned things about a surrogate that even I didn’t know. It is a truly noble act. I really appreciate it.


    Finally after so long I saw a post over surrogates. It’s just so satisfying to read that at least someone considers these humans to be great women. I often say this thing to so many peoples. Who often questions how they could allow some other women to carry their child. What if she won’t return. What if she has a bad character. These what ifs have killed so many hopes. You have to understand that these women are no less than bless souls. They feel the pain of being infertile. I have watched videos over youtube where these women have to share their stories their lives. About what was the reason for becoming a surrogate. Many of them are blessed mothers. They have their own families. They just want to see each infertile woman happy and satisfied.


    hello Trisha!!! Hope so you are doing your best. I am so inspired by your post. It sounds good by reading your post. It seems that you have experienced alone parenting. This is really a difficult phase. Well if it belongs to the surrogate mother selection then you are not capable to do that. Not only you but also me and every other woman can’t do that. This is not a simple task. You can’t select any woman who you like most. It depends upon your genes situation. You should look after many terms and conditions. It’s better to leave this decision in clinics. The clinic will best find your match. You don’t need to find any person whom you think will be best for your child.

    Anika louis

    Hey. You are right Surrogates are blessing for Infertile couples. I have so much respect for them. I have also a baby through Surrogacy. First, I Went to Lotus and Adios clinic. They didn’t work for me. Then one of my friends suggested me to go for Europian clinic. That’s the best clinic I found. They found us with the healthy Surrogate. Today, I am a blessed mother. Surrogacy is a blessing indeed.

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