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Reply To: Our 2-month old baby is refusing to take a bottle, and my DP feels very left out

Home Forums LGBTQ 2 Mommies Our 2-month old baby is refusing to take a bottle, and my DP feels very left out Reply To: Our 2-month old baby is refusing to take a bottle, and my DP feels very left out


I can understand the disappointment your partner is going through. My congratulations are in order for being a mother. There are a lot of people who wish for that chance. Your partners inability to conceive should not discourage her. You should be her point of motivation. Such people always need care and support. And if they muss it, they become more miserable. So I would advise that you be there for her all the time. I was also once in her situation. I became bitter at everything. Sometimes even without a cause. I think the kind of desperation onw goes through affects them mentally. I can see this with your partner too. The baby refusing the bottle should not make her that mad. She should try to understand that babies sometimes are sensitive. Maybe the baby already recognizes you that’s why it does not want to be fed by a third party. But with time it will get used to your partner. So let her no feel inadequate. Both of you share parents and share equal responsibilities.