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Reply To: don't lose hope

Home Forums Surrogacy Getting Started don't lose hope Reply To: don't lose hope

Lily Stan

Hi there. I am so happy for you. Please stay strong and do not lose hope. Life can be difficult at times, but trust me there is light at the end of the Tunnel. I have seen people fight diseases, and infertility, it can be very difficult. But no woman should lose hope, as there are ways to fight these things. Surrogacy as you said, is a really good option to overcome infertility. It gives you the guarantee of having your own child, and without any failure. There are clinics which can help you out without any difficulty, but you should be careful as there are some clinics which are scam. So, whenever you do your research be very careful. Apart from this, surrogacy is the best procedure for infertility. Best of luck if anyone else is going for it.