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Home Forums Surrogacy Baby On The Way 5 Years Search Reply To: 5 Years Search


Successful women tend to be despised. Especially by their own gender. I really do not know why. I think it is because you are successful. So they are just jealous of you. Keep on doing your thing baby girl. Let them talk. Being successful does not mean you do not deserve love. You are just like any other person. In fact you should be proud that you have made it in life. Congratulations for running all those companies. And you are still a strong woman. The disappointment that you went through for the 5 years. I understand it was not a walk in the park. Sometimes we even face isolation. And what hurts most is that it comes from those people around us. The years of struggles are now over. It is time to wait for your happiness. I am sure you will be glad when you are due date. Hoping that it goes well with you. I wish you the best in your future motherhood experiences.