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Reply To: BAM! The baby is Here

Home Forums Month Mates April 2018 BAM! The baby is Here Reply To: BAM! The baby is Here


Being a mother is one of the best things. IO am a mother of 4. So i can tell you all the ups and downs. These kids sometimes can be so stressful. You will wish you never had them. But sometimes so cute. You wish you have a million of them. When they are toddlers they can stress you so ,much. You will have a lot to do as a mother. The crying and the noise. You will have to be on your feet. They literally eat anything during that time. You have to be there with them. All the time and everyday. It is time consuming. Sometimes you will even think of giving up. But when they grow you will love them more. So tender they are. Their nose will no longer be a nuisance. In fact you will crave for them. Sometimes when one is sick, you will just know. Because you will be missing their voice. I can not highlight everything here. But just know being a mother is a blessing.